Gomez: Whatever’s On Your Mind

New Gomez. Everybody. Look. It’s new music.

I love Gomez. They’re my favourite band that nobody else cares about. I have other favourite bands that everybody cares about. But for some reason meeting another Gomez fan gives me more joy than any other collective musical experience.

I realise that in telling you all to check them out, I am actually contributing to the demise of my enjoyment of my enjoyment of Gomez. I’ll then just have to go back to enjoying them. For their own sake.


Jordan says:

Not NOBODY else… Gomez at The Enmore Theatre sometime 6 or 7 years ago is still one of my favourite live experiences. Definitely under appreciated.

Daniel says:

I’m a fan, although I only have How We Operate to go by, and my understanding from some Gomez-fanatical friends is that this is a more “accessible” album and doesn’t really represent the band as a whole.