More geek v nerd data

It turns out that even an awesome venn diagram won’t solve the nerd v geek debate for some people. So here you go. Empirical data. From Library Thing.


Amy says:

Hmm. Does that mean I am both?

I still think it is the wrong way round.

Nathan says:

How many pieces of evidence will you need to change your opinion?

Amy says:


That’s fine. I am trying to retrain my brain to think geek not nerd. But there is a lifetime of ‘nerdiness’ there to compete with.

Amy says:


nerd |nərd|
noun informal
a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious : one of those nerds who never asked a girl to dance.
• an intelligent, single-minded expert in a particular technical discipline or profession : he single-handedly changed the Zero image of the computer nerd into one of savvy Hero.

geek |gēk|
noun informal
1 an unfashionable or socially inept person.
• [with adj. ] a person with an eccentric devotion to a particular interest : a computer geek.
2 a carnival performer who does wild or disgusting acts.