Search Results: “quarterback”

4 results were found.

To knee, or not to knee? That is the question

Some people responding to my celebration of NBA star Jonathan Isaac’s decision to stand during the national anthem while all around him took to their knees have (rightly) raised questions about how my post fits with Colin Kaepernick, the quarterback in the NFL who first took a knee during the national anthem in protest against […]

Evangelism as team sport (a review of Sam Chan’s Evangelism in a Skeptical World)

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book for the purpose of review, and I know the author so mostly just refer to him as ‘Sam’; I’m sure this breaks all sorts of conventions, if I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t have reviewed it (and I would’ve told him).  Sam Chan is a sharp […]

Tumblrweed: Tebowing (not the new Planking)

Calling things “the new planking” is so passe. It also gives planking more airtime than it is worth… planking is so “the start of the year” anyway. Tebowing involves striking a prayerful pose like famously Christian NFL quarterback Tim Tebow (perhaps more famous for being a Christian than for being an athlete (but what would […]

On the stupidity of pluralism

There’s an evangelical Christian quarterback in the NFL who paints bible verses in his eye paint. The stuff they put on their faces to avoid glare. An American sportswriter can’t handle the idea that this quarterback believes that Jesus is the only way to avoid hell. So he wrote a feature on it. This is […]