Tag: social media infographic

A social media infographic

Once the church website is up and running, I’ll be putting some more thought into how we use social media. I’m also toying with turning some old blog posts, some other bits and pieces, and my masters project, into a social media ebook.

This is a handy infographic. Because it’s a visual reminder that using the right content on the right platform is important.


Via Churchmag, from M Booth.

Social Media Infographic: Who’s using what

If you’re thinking about social media and whether or not you should bother engaging with it either in business, or in ministry, then here’s some more evidence that you should. Especially because anybody born from 1978 onwards is a “millennial” or a digital native, as home in the virtual world as they are in the real world.

Click it for a bigger version.

Via Blogbydc

Also worth checking out the Nielsen Social Media Report (PDF – though you may need to fill out a form)

And this bunch of tips and links from Steve Fogg.