Tag: Spiders

Disturbing high definition video of spider mauling queen ant

Apparently, the other ants aren’t trying to save their queen. They are mating with her. In a frenzy. As a spider eats off her head.

Minion fail. Bizarrely this isn’t my first spider v ant post.

In other news, watch this spider…

This sort of animal video is probably why the Internet (and in a more derivative sense, video sharing) was invented.

Spider attack from Ahmet Ozkan on Vimeo.

Love it.

A dangerous equation

So, here is a lesson for wives:







If math isn’t your thing you should check out the story – essentially, a husband tried to kill a spider with an aerosol, couldn’t see if he’d got it because the light in the bathroom wasn’t working so he lit a match. And kaboom. He had to be taken to hospital.

YouTube Tuesday: Spiderman fail

Ha. Ha ha. Hahaha.