Tag: Wolverine

Angry Birds: Genus genius

I like.

From Flickr, via Kottke.org a while back

I also like these (from the same Flick(sta)r… zero-lives.

Get your kid’s claws into the alphabet

Alphabet charts are so passe. If you want your kidlet to learn the alphabet, and learn it fast, let Wolverine and friends teach them…

Via Sean Gordon Murphy’s deviantart.

Someone already made my shirt…

There’s nothing new under the sun

They don’t have Optimus Prime though

Oh well. Voting for getting my shirt designed will open if/when Threadless approves it…


Minifigs are great. Especially knitted ones. But if you don’t want to order a customised minifig from brickarms for your A-Team Lego movie you may have to build Mr T piece by piece…

Like this…

There are heaps of these on Flickr.

Including ninja turtles…

Comic book characters…

And transformers…

Marvellous Disney

Disney bought Marvel a couple of weeks ago. You may or may not be aware of this.

It prompted a series of Marvel/Disney mash-ups (like these, these and these) as fans of both came to terms with the new stablemates…

Here are some of my favourites…


Remember the Real Life Superheroes? No, probably not. I wrote about them back when I had about six readers. They get a write up in today’s SMH.

They have such lame names. But that’s pretty standard for Superheroes. I do wonder – with reference to the title – if a person’s title is called an honorific whether one’s superhero name is a heroific? After watching Wolverine yesterday – aka X-Men Origins, I read through the Wikipedia entries on the characters just out of curiosity (starting here) – I wanted to see how faithful the movie storyline was to the actual comics. Turns out the answer to that question is “not very” – but that’s ok, I enjoyed the movie and I’m not a comic book fanboy – or a Mark Driscoll fanboy – though I only use that phrase to ensure my ongoing google pensupremacy* for that phrase.

*I assume given that penultimate is the thing before the ultimate that pensupremacy is the entry before the top entry. Who knows. Correct me if I’m wrong. Actually, don’t. It was merely a bit of wordplay. I take it all back. Except that I leave it all there.