Month: December 2008

wonders how my twitter updates…

wonders how my twitter updates will ever compare with Malcolm Turnbull’s “is addressing the nation”

refuses to be defined by the s…

refuses to be defined by the slogan on a novelty t-shirt

Garage Sailing: Liveblog

The plan at this stage is to go garage sailing tomorrow morning. But
it gets better. The plan at this stage is to liveblog the garage
sailing experience with Craig. Hopefully providing valuable insight
into just how awesome garage sailing can be.

I think I should buy something to sell on ebay. And live blog that
too. That way all 6 of my loyal readers can enjoy the spoils.

is counting down the minutes u…

is counting down the minutes until the weekend. And looking forward to liveblogging a garage sailing expedition tomorrow morning.

knit picking

I have never wanted to learn to knit as much as I do now. Thanks to this collection of macabre toys.

Bad case of carroted artery

Bad case of carroted artery

Remember: Electricity can kill

I know. Electricity can be fun. And creating a massive Tesla coil in the backyard sounds like heaps of fun. But electricity is dangerous people. And this guy, Bre Pettis, wants to warn you through this Flickr set.

Be on the lookout for powerlines

Be on the lookout for powerlines

Be careful where you stick that breadknife

Be careful where you stick those scissors

The year in photos


Buildings and debris are seen floating in the Cedar River against a railroad bridge Saturday, June 14, 2008, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Days after it rose out of its banks on its way to record flooding in Cedar Rapids, the Cedar River has forced at least 24,000 people from their homes, emergency officials said. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)

Buildings and debris are seen floating in the Cedar River against a railroad bridge Saturday, June 14, 2008, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Days after it rose out of its banks on its way to record flooding in Cedar Rapids, the Cedar River has forced at least 24,000 people from their homes, emergency officials said. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)

A collection of pretty awesome photos from

Electrifyingly cool

Anyone who has played Red Alert knows that Tesla Coils are the ultimate home base defence system. And anyone who hasn’t, but knows what a Tesla coil is knows that they’re totally awesome. 

That’s why this guitar amp is cool:

And, why this photographic re-enactment of Red Alert is also cool.

Red Alert: Tesla Coil

Red Alert: Tesla Coil

If you’re not convinced that Tesla coils are the coolest thing since electricity then check out this gallery from the Red Alert Tesla Guy (an Australian) on the SMH.

Things I’ve Read

CAPTCHA their attention

Moderating comments could be a real pain. I’m thinking about fighting off spam bots with this baby . It’s just a shame I can’t answer the verification question myself.

Worlds best CAPTCHA

World's best CAPTCHA

Plastic workers make for positive office culture

Corporate Minifig

Corporate Minifig

Last week was BYFMTWW. Or “Bring your favourite minifig to work week”. I’m sorry I missed it. For those still not clear on what a minifig is:

Anatomy of a minifig

Anatomy of a minifig

Shirt of the day – 18 December 2008

Haiku in a shirt<br>totally very awesome<br>should I buy it now?

Haiku in a shirttotally very awesomeshould I buy it now?

Things I’ve Read

Faking it

Fake engineer and fake prince sent to real jail.

On the surface you’d think a guy that pretended to be a Qantas
engineer and worked on planes – endangering lives – would be worthy of a longer sentence than the fake prince. But the fake prince got 12 for claiming to own three banks, a $40 million home and three Australian islands… who owns claims to own one bank, let alone three banks? Other than the guy in that Credit Union ad.

Things I’ve Read