Meme: Five things in my wardrobe that I wouldn’t be without (Nathan).

Simone started this Meme, Amy tagged both Robyn, and myself.

Here you go.

  1. My “punny” t-shirts.
  2. My brown fake suede jacket (I inherited it from my pa).
  3. Jeans.
  4. Supporters Jerseys – Manly and Manchester United.
  5. Comfy undies.

Title your post- Meme: Five things in my wardrobe that I wouldn’t be without.
Tell us who linked you.
List your 5 wardrobe items.
Paste these rules at the bottom.
Tag 2 or 3 others to join in the fun!

Right, I tag whoever hasn’t done this yet.


Amy says:

Comfy undies.
I forgot that but it is essential.