Two posts in one afternoon. It feels like I’m breaking some sort of unwritten blog law. Maybe the blog police will come and get me. I wonder what blog prison is like. A myriad of unfinished sentences and…
Ah ha hahaha… I was going to say incomplete ideas. I guess that’s completed the idea now so the joke is dead.
I imagine that’s pretty much what most blogs actually contain anyway. I wrote an essay towards the end of my degree (that’s right – I wrote essays and I have a degree) that touched on the blog’s special place in modern society – where once people took a stand on a soap box and preached to a small crowd – we now sit at desks and type to a crowd of infinite potential. The internet is the new public sphere. The new black. It’s the vibe. It’s Mabo. I don’t actually expect an infinite crowd. Infinite may have been a slight exaggeration. Obviously there’s actually a finite number of people in the world. And and even more finite number of people with internet access. And again a more finite number of people who are likely to visit my page intentionally. The chances of anyone stumbling here by chance are similar to the chances of a million monkeys with typewriters entering the words – willows presbyterian blog – into a search engine. So pretty remote. But I digest(sic)* (I’m drinking milo). I also digress. I was talking about the public sphere and blogs. Back in the day of soap box forums people gathered in a public area to enter discourse on pressing social and political topics. The printing press and mass produced newspapers killed this facet of life. It was easier to get a message across through the pages of the paper than to beat dead your hoarse ((sic) again) voice. That’s almost the lamest pun ever – lamer still would have been to “beat dead your hoarse(sick)(sic) voice dead.” That almost works. By almost I mean it doesn’t work at all but it’s sort of clever. Anyway, the media killed the public sphere – but tried to retain an element of interactivity in the letters page. The internet, and blogging, has resuscitated the public sphere. Discourse is alive once again. It’s interesting to note the trend among major media outlets to include interactive blogs as part of their online product.
*(sic) is a tool writers use to make their reader aware that there’s a mistake in there(sic) text. Usually editors use it on a letters page to highlight the ignorance of certain contributors. It becomes slightly pertinent to this post to point out that at this point the letters page can not be considered the “public sphere” ultimately it’s privately controlled.
Speaker’s corners still do exist –
I reckon that the impact of blogs in the media is well over stated. There are a few blogs out there that have something to say/that add to the public discourse.
However, there are many more blogs about boys who have moved to townsville…
thats a prety (sic) blog entry
“However, there are many more blogs about boys who have moved to townsville…” This is true, there is one blog about a boy who moved to Townsville, which is the most you will get due to the fact that he is probably the only boy in Townsville.
PS. HI SMILEY! You crazy kid.
“more finite number” (sic) hmm…
are some finite numbers more finite than others or are all finite numbers equally finite?
resucitated (sic) I thought your point was that the public discourse didn’t ‘suc’
i think you are just trying to manipulate us all into googling “willows presbyterian blog”…
I made a spelling mistake. I admit sometimes I’m wrong – as Mark pointed out it’s obviously resuscitated.
finite numbers are more finite than infinite numbers are they not?
Absolutely, they are more finite than infinite, I was just questioning whether there are levels of “finity”, as you were not comparing the finite to the infinite, but finite to finite trying to equate “more finite” to “smaller” or “comprehensible”, which isn’t exactly what finite means in mathematical terms (which you entered when you brought numbers into it).
Mathematically speaking, I think 1 is as finite as 1000000, or 6 billion.
A (poor) example of the infinite is an bullet approaching a point will never get there as it always has half of the remaining distance to travel – infinite divisions.
Not being infinite, I’m struggling with the whole concept and would welcome hearing a clearer explanation.
ahh you raise an interesting point. But i was using finite in a slightly altered context – i meant able to be actually determined. I would however, argue that 1 is more finite than 1 and 1/3 which has an infinite sequence of threes after the decimal point.
Space is supposedly infinite. When I was little I used to wonder what it would be like to free-fall through space. Why, if space really is infinite, you’d never stop falling.
Of course, when I was little, I didn’t worry about the fact there’s no gravity in space (which makes falling difficult), or the fact that there’s no oxygen in space (so you’d be dead anyway, and wouldn’t get to experience the strange sensation of falling for eternity. You wouldn’t even get to experience falling for five minutes.).
Speaking about falling and impossibilities…
I’ve always wondered what would happen if a tunnel was drilled through the centre of the earth and you stepped in, or dropped something through what would happen… would you fall all the way through (assuming there was no core of really hot lava). Then I realised you’d probably stop halfway and just hang there with the forces pushing you down cancelling one another out. Would that be suspended animation?
Is Wendell Sailor now in a state of suspended animation?
Or rather since toast always lands buttered side down and cats always land on their feet- if u straped a piece of toast butter side up to cat cat’s back would it just be hanging there spinning rapidly? If so could we generate a clean energy source incorparating the two. And if there ended up being some sort of explosive accident we could open up a Chinese food shop in the same complex.
Would someone do us all a favour and find some blog police? Please….
1/3 is finite, the representation in decimal (base 10) is not. If you choose a base divisible by 3 then the representation is finite, but other fractions aren’t.