Author: Nathan Campbell

Nathan runs St Eutychus. He loves Jesus. His wife. His daughter. His son. His other daughter. His dog. Coffee. And the Internet. He is the pastor of City South Presbyterian Church, a church in Brisbane, a graduate of Queensland Theological College (M. Div) and the Queensland University of Technology (B. Journ). He spent a significant portion of his pre-ministry-as-a-full-time-job life working in Public Relations, and now loves promoting Jesus in Brisbane and online. He can't believe how great it is that people pay him to talk and think about Jesus. If you'd like to support his writing financially you can do that by giving to his church.

Truths for the Facebook generation

We spend so much time cultivating our image online. But everybody knows the truth. Which is why I prefer to look like the guy on the right (at least that’s how I hope you think I look, metaphorically speaking).

I am really a 6’3 tall, athletic polymath. So there. My profile doesn’t lie. Well, I am tall.

From Comical Concept.

Venn Piagram

This is my kind of pie.

Via Reddit.

Say it with style: Letterpress Cards

Dear ____, from ____ templated jokes are one of those little internet memes you probably haven’t heard of and I don’t care about. Or you might have. I don’t know. There’s a tumblog somewhere. Most of them aren’t funny.

But these are kind of clever.

Available from etsy

If Owl City was a middle aged Christian woman in pink…

They might sound a little bit like this.

This reminds me of a karaoke act at a church concert I was at once. And that is not a good thing…

The subtitle thing on YouTube says:

“A great song with a powerful message! Enjoy!”

Here’s my powerful message. I didn’t.

She has heaps of songs on YouTube. You can watch them all.

This one, perhaps ironically, is called “Your Voice Is My Healing”…

Based on the birth year in her username this is a 67 year old woman. So she should know better. Or perhaps this is what the 66 year old men are looking for these days.

The Ten Commandments according to a two year old preacher

This child preacher (skip to a minute into the video) is edited a little bit to make him sound like he’s on speed or something. Which isn’t a nice thing to do to your kid. His dad’s website, (his dad’s name is Michael Pedrin and he also makes videos), says he’s 2 years old.

Flies time: Clock powered by fly blood

This is brilliant. It’s like a venus fly clock. It’s the creation of mad scientists Auger and Loizeau. Eight dead flies equals 12 days of clock power.

“This robot uses flypaper as it’s means of entrapment. This paper is placed on a roller mechanism. At the base of the roller a scraper removes any captured insects. These fall into the microbial fuel cell placed underneath. The electricity generated by the flies is used to power both a motor turning the rollers and a small LCD clock.”

I hate flies. But this is a step closer to robots taking over the world and feeding on humans. Just saying.

If you don’t believe me, here’s proof, these robots need blood…

Carnivorous Domestic Entertainment Robots from Auger-Loizeau on Vimeo.

Real Life Angry Birds

A nice little video from Rooster Teeth.

Churches and the F word – because the sixth letter of the alphabet is “cutting edge”

I know it’s hard to show that you’re a church that isn’t like all the other churches. A church that’s a little bit edgy – like Jesus was. A church that’s down with the sinners – like Jesus was. A church that is prepared to insult the religious establishment – like Jesus was. A church that is prepared to challenge social norms – like Jesus was… But you know what Jesus wasn’t? He wasn’t edgy for the sake of edginess, hanging out with sinners because he was one, insulting the religious establishment for the sake of it, or challenging social norms to get attention.

So while you might think preaching a sermon telling everybody in your congregation to “F off” – where you mean forgiveness is the kind of sermon Jesus would have preached…

It probably isn’t. I can’t claim to speak for Jesus. I can claim to be faithfully reading and teaching God’s word. But I don’t need the spiritual gift of discernment to know that this is excessively stupid. And only moderately more stupid than preaching this sermon series:

“We’ve all said it; sometimes it’s the only words we have to describe our life… all F’d up! God doesn’t intend for our lives to stay that way, instead He turns our life around through His grace and forgiveness. With His strength and the help of true friends we can move forward. Life doesn’t have to stay All F’d Up!”

See, in this case they’re not even bothering to couch the language as some sort of adoption of the letter F. They’re just being contempervant. Where contemporay meets relevant in portmanteau glory.

One step better, but still incredibly stupid and naive, is the attempt to reclaim the letters WTF for the sake of your church community.

Does anybody actually think this is a good idea? This is why branding professionals exist. To stop you doing what you thought in the shower (when you were really tired and recovering from a bout of delirium, before you’d had your coffee) was a good idea. It’s not a good idea. It’s a dumb idea. You don’t want people looking at your church sign and responding with the very thing you’re trying to rebrand. It’s just a dumb idea.

From Church Marketing Sucks.

“We are aware of what ‘WTF’ originally stands for, and that is actually why we chose it,” says Rob James, with Copper Pointe Church, the Albuquerque, N.M., church behind the college and young adult ministry, Wake. “It is something that our target audience is very familiar with. We are a progressive college group located in Albuquerque, N.M., and we know that any college-aged person is a phone-weilding, text-sending machine. So why not use what they are familiar with?”

“WTF” was on purpose. In fact, it’s a main cornerstone in their branding. Their url is, their Twitter handle is @WTFisWake and their Facebook page is

A reminder about perhaps the most important post I’ve ever written…

I am consistently blown away by the enduring popularity of my post “How to make Sizzler’s Cheese Toast” it’s almost two years old, and it gets constant traffic, accounting for about 3% of traffic to my blog ever. Wow.

If you didn’t know it was there, think of this as a warm wintery present from me to you. And add it to your recipe folder, it’s great with soup.

Have you tried my recipe? Let me know, I’d love to hear how it went.

A titled video: Movie titles in a movie

Movie title scenes are generally under-appreciated. Not by the maker of this little movie.

A Brief History of Title Design from Ian Albinson on Vimeo.

Movie Review: Four Lions

Here’s a five word review: Funniest movie about terrorism ever.

Four Lions is a movie about a group of British Jihadis. Based sort of on a true story – the writer Chris Morris was inspired by the bumbling lunacy he heard and read in the transcript of a trial for some terror suspects in the UK. And this is the result. It is just brilliant. Possibly the funniest movie I’ve ever seen.

This scene was beautiful, and there are plenty just like it.

Check it out.

Plotting the events of world history… in video

If you looked through wikipedia articles on major world events, and plotted them on a map, and then removed the map, you’d get a video looking something like this:

A History of the World in 100 Seconds from Gareth Lloyd on Vimeo.

No news is good news

When you add up all those awkward television moments when a 24 hour news channel is using the same content as a network’s new program without some of the commercial breaks and other prerecorded bulletins you get some funny video. At least that’s what I think is going on here.

Gang Fight: What Rebecca Black is really singing before the autotune

Bad Lip Reading presents Rebecca Black’s song from the perspective of the deaf, or at least from the perspective of those smart enough to watch it with the sound down.

Weird musical promise: I ain’t going to pee the bed tonight

This kid is determined not to wet the bed tonight. Apparently, this Kelly family, was big in Germany.

Another one from Izaac.