Author: Nathan Campbell

Nathan runs St Eutychus. He loves Jesus. His wife. His daughter. His son. His other daughter. His dog. Coffee. And the Internet. He is the pastor of City South Presbyterian Church, a church in Brisbane, a graduate of Queensland Theological College (M. Div) and the Queensland University of Technology (B. Journ). He spent a significant portion of his pre-ministry-as-a-full-time-job life working in Public Relations, and now loves promoting Jesus in Brisbane and online. He can't believe how great it is that people pay him to talk and think about Jesus. If you'd like to support his writing financially you can do that by giving to his church.

Amazing paper sculptures are amazing

Calvin Nicholls makes stunning art from bits of chopped up paper.

Here’s a gallery where you can watch how the action unfolds. I’m astounded.

Your Mo Dummy…

From Etsy. So that babies can participate in Movember or something…

The Graphic Design Conundrum as a Venn Diagram

This is pretty true for just about every purchasing decision.

Via Tumblr somewhere.

Extreme Dog Shows: Dressing dogs up to look dumb since 19whenever

Some part of me thinks this is innately cruel. Another part of me thinks, wait, who am I to impose my values on these poor dogs. Maybe they like looking stupid.

Sadly, and bizarrely, there are more pictures of depressed dogs here in this Daily Mail story.

The Internet is boring this week…

Anybody got anything worth reading. Or watching. Or listening to. Please point me towards some content.

In which I write a complaint letter to Pascall for the unfortunate pink/white ratio in a 500gm bag of marshmallows

To whom it may concern,

I love Pascall’s Marshmallows. Seriously. Our two person household probably powers through a 250gm bag of those bad boys a week. They’re almost fat free. They’re delicious. And they’re magical. I love the easy tear corners on the bags. Somebody over your way has obviously put a lot of thought into the optimal packet design.

When I say I’m your biggest fan it’s probably a little bit exaggerated. I don’t live in a house made from, or even decked out with, your product. But I consider myself at least in your top #7, and I would challenge anybody who suggests otherwise.

They are great in hot chocolate, they’re great by the handful, and they’re amazing just slightly toasted and consumed while hot (but not on fire). I can’t get enough of them. Pink or white. To me. It doesn’t matter. I’ll take either…

Which brings me, somewhat dramatically, to my point. Earlier this week I purchased a 500gm bag of your delicious marshmallows. I don’t think I’d ever noticed 500gm bags before, my local supermarket must have just expanded their range, which again shows you’re doing something right. Incidentally, how do you actually make marshmallows? I read on the Internet that marshmallows, in their original form, were some sort of sweet plant growth and what we buy and eat by the handful are artificial replicas of these original products. Amazing. Is that true?

I purchased a mixed bag. 500gm. Pink and white. Now, you would expect in a bag with only two flavour options, statistically speaking, to find roughly a 50/50 split of pink to white. I would think. Is this the case? Or are you aware that one particular flavour is more popular than another. That would be the kind of market research and knowledge I would expect from a subsidiary of the Cadbury company. So nothing would surprise me more than to learn you hand pack these bags, or at least use trained animals. I’ve seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I know about the squirrels. I bet that put a downer on things for you guys when Hollywood blew the lid on the confectionary industry’s biggest secret. Trained squirrels. Brilliant. You’d think an Australian animal would suffice, but I’ve heard koalas are suckers for marshmallows and kangaroos are rowdy and hard to pin down.

So in my mixed bag, thus far (I probably have 150gm to go), I’d say I’ve had a 90/10 ratio of pink to white marshmallows. I assume this isn’t normal. It’s like the old conundrum about picking out two different coloured socks from a drawer. If you’ve got ten socks that are red, and ten that are blue, after three socks you will definitely have a pair, and after ten socks you’ll definitely have one of each sock (you may have ten red, and one blue, or vice versa – but in this case the next nine socks will all be the same colour). Eventually. Over time. The two colours will become evenly represented in your outside-of-drawer collection. Imagine my surprise when this didn’t happen. I wasn’t expecting socks from my marshmallow bag. I’m not an idiot. No. I was expecting to eventually see a normalising of the ratio of pink:white. But it didn’t happen. That’s a statistical anomaly that I think we’ll all agree you should be made aware of immediately. Hence my writing to you.

Now, I’m not just being a good citizen of the world who passes on feedback to companies simply for their edification. I have a bone to pick. Metaphorically, if I’d found a bone in my marshmallows this would be a very different letter, and would probably involve the police. No. My metaphorical bone is this. My wife does not like pink marshmallows. If marshmallows were people she’d be a racist. She’s not a racist, because they’re not… but she doesn’t like the taste. Which means I’ve eaten lots of pink marshmallows from this packet and she hasn’t eaten many at all.

So, from one marshmallow fan to another, or more correctly, from a marshmallow fan to the creators of delicious marshmallows, I would ask you to lift your game a little bit, or, at the very least, fire the squirrels. They carry all sorts of lice and disease anyway. It might be time to move on.

Yours in confectionary,

Nathan Campbell

I had a brilliant idea…

I’m currently working on a little project that may take up some of my discretionary blog related time, but hopefully will produce some blog related fruit. And since I can’t keep a secret. I’ll tell you.

If, like the majority of my current traffic, you’ve only been reading here for a short time, you may have missed all the fun of my scambaiting efforts. Check them out. They’re probably the best bits of original content I’ve ever produced… For the uninitiated – scambaiting is when you deliberately lead on the people who send you scam emails, you know, the ones promising you a marriage with a beautiful African girl, or untold riches from some deceased estate…

I worked pretty hard to get a photo of a scammer holding a sign with a Bible verse on it. It was a long road. A journey. But it paid off.

My new venture is a Scambaiter’s Recipe Book. It will doubtless be a pastiche of hastily googled recipes submitted by scammers upon request. But it will be a recipe book made up of recipes sent to me by scammers, representing the cuisine of their country of choice. I will then, if the ingredients aren’t too outlandish, cook the recipe and take a photograph of it.

I’ve sent off my first batch of requests. I’ll let you know how I go.

Monday Music: Fleet Foxes

Loving these guys at the moment.

Also loving the line up of new music coming from Australia in the next few weeks.

Gotye – Making Mirrors
Boy and Bear – Moonfire
The Panics- Rain on Humming Wire
Eskimo Joe – Ghosts of the Past
Josh Pyke – Only Sparrows

And I’m a bit sad that the Middle East is no more (apparently they announced a break up at Splendour). This is why I’m sad:

That is all.

Two lego heads, joined as one…

According to the title, this post could be about stacking up dismembered lego heads to create some sort of Lego Frankenstein, and lets face it, who hasn’t done that…

But no.

My friends Todd and Alyda are super awesome wedding photographers. Award winningly super awesome. And with photos like this, you can see why…

Alyda posted a link to this photo on that Lego Head storage post from the other day. To think I almost didn’t post it.

Nananananananana nananananananana… Mathman

This is pretty cool. I knew graphical calculators played some useful purpose. I once spent a couple of high school math lessons drawing a Happy Meal. But this is better. Somebody figured out the equation, or series of equations, for producing the Batman logo.

Via BoingBoing so it must be true.

The old Batman logo is mathematical, the new one is apparently whimsical. It appears to be based around a baby unicorn. Who knew.

Some more amazing cinemagraphs

Ahh. The humble gif. Why did it take you so long to get classy? You might remember the post about cinemagraphs from a month ago. Or so. It was amazing. Here are some more.

From here

From here (same guy as above, there’s a series)

From here

Here are some not so nice gifs. In a gif museum. To remind you why you hated the Internet when it was full of them. And some nicer not nice gifs. As in they use the medium well, but not as well as the above.

These were all poached from this great feature about the art of the gif on, and I commend it to you.

Melonus Prime: why transforming your food is ok

So you were told not to play with your food as a kid. We all were. I still get told not to play with my food now. And I’m no longer a kid.

But I thumb my nose at all those naysayers (except my wife. I won’t thumb my nose at her. I’d get in trouble).

Because the proof, as they say, is in the watermelon sculpting.

Bizarrely, this isn’t the first time I’ve featured watermelon carving (there’s a second time too). Or Optimus Prime carving for that matter. I guess it’s true what they say. They being Qohelet, the writer of Ecclesiastes. There is nothing new under the sun. Though that Optimus Prime link wouldn’t do so well under the sun, given he’s made of ice.

That melon prime was featured first (where I saw it anyway) at That’s Nerdalicious.

Being the best at being bad at Super Mario Bros

You may, or may not (if you’re not pretty geeky) have heard of Super Mario Bros speed runs. That’s when people try to finish the original Super Mario Bros from the original NES, as quickly as possible. Once, in my childhood, I took part in a Super Mario competition. In a shopping centre. I went in feeling a little bit special, because I knew about these warp zones that let you skip levels. Turned out everybody knew about the warp zones and lots of people were quicker than me… anyway. Here’s what a speed run looks like.

Impressive, no?

Well. What could possibly be more difficult than a speed run? How bout a speed run getting as few points as possible. This is actually an impressive point. A guy managed to finish the game and only get 600 points. And if you watch the video, the only thing preventing him scoring only 500, was that he appeared to accidentally bop a gumba on the head.


Lego head will solve your storage dilemmas

I love Lego. That’s like saying “I love air.” It’s obvious. I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody who doesn’t love Lego. If you’re looking to spruce up your in house storage options you could do worse than getting hold of one of these Lego head containers.

It’s almost worth it, just for this photo. Imagine what people would say if this was your Facebook profile.

A bit clever: a drill based pencil sharpener

You’ll never have to manually sharpen pencils again. Which is great. Because we all spend so much time sharpening pencils these days. Isn’t there a saying about necessity being the mother of invention? Not here.

At the very least it makes making art like this a little bit easier.