Category: Culture

Terry Gilliam on animation and modern film making

Monty Python were, and are, funny. Terry Gilliam is, amongst other things, the man behind the animations in Monty Python movies… and possibly the inspiration for the animation style of South Park. I have no idea if that’s true – but the method he uses here is a bit like the method they use, only with slightly more detailed paper.

Here, an older, wizened, Terry Gilliam, takes a shot at Hollywood movie making, with Steven Spielberg in his sights.

He thinks happy endings are overrated, and stories should be real.

Here he talks about his approach to making movies.

Interesting stuff.

Tilt Shift Athens: Good real estate ad for a city going cheap…

I was here once. In Athens that is. Not on the Internet. But only for a day. It’s a great city with a pretty amazing history (and a fairly depressing present).

I love tilt shift.

It’s enough to make you miss Saigon: timelapse video of Vietnamese traffic

I’ve never been to Vietnam. Or Ho Chi Min City/Saigon… but this timelapse video of the frenetic traffic in the city is pretty amazing. Imagine learning the road rules…

Dogs are the future of the Internet… and the planet

Ladies and gentlemen. I give you. Your future Dog President.

I laughed. Then I laughed some more. Beats the old stick your arms out from behind another person’s back trick…

National Geographic Photo Competition separates good photographers from great…

I know hundreds of good photographers (in the age of Instagram, everybody is “good”), and a handful of truly great photographers. Greatness is about more than having a nice camera and a good eye. There’s something ephemeral about the quality of thought and clarity of vision behind the photos in these entries to the 2011 National Geographic Photography competition.

Some samples…

It makes me a little bit sad at times knowing that while some of my photography might be “good,” it’ll probably never be great.

Sixty seconds of beautiful stuff…

This is also pretty amazing. One second video clips that capture beauty. Stiched together.

It’s part of a clever campaign that is designed to go viral…

Timelapse: Glowing man in Tokyo

Love this…

A Cheery Christmas message from the Third Eagle

The lyrics and the backdrop present a little bit of a dissonant message.

A six minute visual guide to popular paradoxes

Is paradoxes the plural of paradox?

Chicken Dictators

Loving this Nandos ad. Thanks to Brother Mike for sharing on Facebook (and the entire internet). It’s nice to see a clever ad getting attention, gives me faith in the interwebs again…

The Internet needs more dogs…

I’ve never gone for the LOL cats thing. Cats aren’t funny. Cats are horrible soulless things with fur.

But dogs. Dogs doing funny stuff is something I can go for…

Exhibits A and B… there you go…

The history of the English Language (in 10 minutes)

If you don’t want to read Bill Bryson’s excellent Mother Tongue… just watch this video.

Indian pain freaks: Don’t try this at home

Wow. Contains disturbing images of people eating lightbulbs and being hit with things… on purpose.

#QantasLuxury: How to manage the fallout

This morning around 220 media outlets have covered the #qantasluxury debacle. It’s also certainly given social media and PR bloggers something to write about. If you buy the “all publicity is good publicity” line – then the campaign was a success.

Image Credit: @Kellulz, via The Australian

But you shouldn’t buy that line… because it’s dumb. The good thing about media coverage in traditional media outlets is that they’ll typically be interested in objectivity – which for them means getting both sides of the story (though in many of the cases below, this hasn’t happened).

Which means talking to Qantas. Which means that all publicity represents an opportunity to promote your brand.

A better phrasing of the rule is that “All publicity is only as good as you make it,” or “Good publicity promotes your brand.”

And while its possible that Qantas has strategically immolated itself on Twitter so that it can get this opportunity, that seems a little unlikely. Every story opens by bagging out the campaign. It wasn’t a well thought out move on the airline’s part.

Here’s a sampling of responses…

The Age – Qantas makes a hash of tweet campaign
The Age – Qantas Luxury – not having to face flak
The Australian (Media Blog) – Qantas Twitter Fiasco Launches Spoofs
Courier Mail – Qantas in First Class Twitter Fail
Courier Mail – Miffed passengers take tweet revenge
Reuters – Epic Fail for Qantas Twitter Competition
NineMSN (who clearly don’t understand apostrophes and words ending with s) – Qantas’s Epic PR Fail
The Hindustan Times – Qantas does a PR self goal dive
The Hong Kong Standard – Qantas spirals into PR infamy
The Mirror – UK – Qantas twitter hashtag campaign backfires as unhappy customers hijack it

The Reuters story is especially important, because it feeds content to newsrooms all over the globe – and that was bad for Qantas, because they haven’t got any comments from the airline. PR disaster management 101 is getting your messages across to the newswires.

What these stories are reporting is the tongue in cheek quip that Qantas fired back in response to the flood of responses – and while the quip kind of worked on Twitter, when it runs in a news story it just makes you look dumb. There’s a PR rule about never saying anything on camera you don’t want taken out of context… it works on social media too.

“But Qantas put on a brave face, taking to Twitter again to quip on Tuesday, “at this rate our #QantasLuxury competition is going to take years to judge.”


“Qantas tried to laugh off the Twitter backlash later in the day, tweeting that it would take some time to judge the competition as the responses flooded in at a rate of 20 a minute.”

That doesn’t look like a company that is taking this crisis seriously.

But they are handling the fallout as best they can. When they get to speak that is… This line isn’t bad:

“A large number of our customers were disrupted and inconvenienced by the recent industrial action and fleet grounding. However, services have returned to normal and our customers can book flights with absolute confidence that they will not be disrupted by industrial action.”

That’s great. If they get that message, for free, into hundreds of stories it’s at least a silver lining.

Sadly it came after a few lines defending the campaign, and the prize… these aren’t great lines, because they show just how much Qantas doesn’t really get the whole social media thing, and gives a bit of insight into why this was botched… and a few media outlines are just running these quotes, not the paragraph above.

“We receive positive feedback from customers via social media about the Qantas premium inflight products. Over the past 12 months we have conducted a number of competitions for customers, fans and followers on our Twitter feed (@qantasairways), giving away these products,” the spokeswoman said.

“We launched the #qantasluxury competition as part of our ongoing social media strategy. The competition is giving away Qantas First Class pyjamas and amenity kits and a number of people have legitimately entered the competition.”

There’s no humility there. No acknowledgment that they got this massively wrong. Saying “a number” is the most deliberately vague statement ever issued, and at this point the positive entries in the competition are doubtless from professional competition enterers, or the families of Qantas board members.

Perhaps the funniest thing is that this move comes just two days after Qantas hired four full time social media people to manage the online fallout following the lockout.

BeardQuest: One man tries to grow every beard known to man…

Movember is so passe. Mostly because, well, I am hirsutely challenged on my upper lip. A beard I can almost do… though it gets a little bit red… this guy is inspiring.

Anybody doing movember who wants to tell us all in the comments and appeal for sponsorship should do so…