Category: Curiosities

Chalk and Chess

Take your chess game on the road with this chalk chess set.

Sold here, via Gearfuse.

Shirt of the Day: The making of a Pacman Ghost

Ever wondered where those Pacman Ghosts come from? This shirt design (currently up for voting on Threadless) has the answer.

Pikachyou – a balaclava for pokemon wannabes

Rob a bank wearing this. Go on. I dare you. Well, not really. But this would be an interesting “signature” approach to crime.

From DeviantArt.

Tastes like bacon…

You know how they say that pigs are the animal most closely genetically related to humans based on DNA? No? Well, I may have just made that up. You’ll have to google it…

But it turns out that a taste recognising robot thinks that human flesh tastes like bacon (don’t worry, they didn’t actually feed it a human).

That cute little fella is a robot that is designed to recognise flavours. He’s meant to be used for tasting wine, but Wired tells of a scary moment when somebody put their finger in his mouth:

“The idea is that wineries can tell if a wine is authentic without even opening the bottle, amongst other more obscure uses…like “tell me what this strange grayish lump at the back of my freezer is/was.”

But when some smart aleck reporter placed his hand in the robot’s omnivorous clanking jaw, he was identified as bacon. A cameraman then tried and was identified as prosciutto.”

Mo money, mo problems

Are you Movembering? I would if I could. But I can’t. My mo don’t grow. This year I even tried growing it a month in advance.

And that’s the results…

Which is a shame. Because Movember is awesome. This is what internet activism and awareness raising should look like. Not some stupid innuendo based “secret” campaign.

So, instead of calling for people to donate to my Movember efforts – I’m encouraging you to donate to my friend Paul’s efforts. Plus, he has a ranga mo – so he needs all the support he can get…

I love the marketing campaigns and stuff springing up around Movember.

And especially these pictures, which were what mo-tivated me to write this post to begin with.

Moustaches make a difference…

These, and more, via Scary Ideas.

Butcher your living room

Got a room you want decked out as a plush butchers?

Get these meat plushies then, and you’re halfway there…


And a meat medley.


A bit picky

This is such an amazingly cool invention. A hole punch that turns bits of plastic (like your old credit cards) into guitar picks.

It’s called the Pick Punch. And it has totally solved any pangs of anxiety for not having bought loose acquaintances Christmas or birthday gifts for the last five years. Now you can just grab a pile of plastic and tell those people to take their pick.

How to make the man in your life tuck his shirts in

Old advice, but good advice…

From a book of tips and tricks submitted to a radio show in ages past, found at Questionable Advice.

Electric Snuggie: The next logical step in personal comfort

Your snuggie might keep you warm, but it doesn’t keep you toastie. No. You need. That’s right. Need. An electric snuggie.

Get yours today ($US68). But don’t wear them in the rain. Or anywhere electricity is dangerous.

Hows ya bin? Not as technologically advanced as this one…

Who was it who first suggested a product was “easy to use for the whole family”? It’s one of those marketing lines that gets trotted out so often its now meaningless. What if its easy to use for the whole family, except for your crippled great aunt? What then?

Anyway, the Reduce TM Smash Can TM is about to revolutionise the way you dispose of your rubbish. Unless you’re a gangster, in which case I’d suggest sticking with pigs, or with besa blocks and the ocean.

Introducing the “Smash Can” a bin with a smasher in the lid for compacting garbage. You can watch a video on the product site. It’ll be the 1240385rd most awesome minute of your life. Promise.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Panelvan

If you are sick of your boring van why not follow this girl’s lead and turn something boring like this:

Into something exciting like this:

From Jalopnik.

Bacon Kevin Bacon

So Kevin Bacon has never played Bond, James Bond, but doubtless he’s connected within six degrees to all the guys who have. I did almost call this post 360 degrees of Kevin Bacon. That may have been cleverer.

But his claim to fame1 is his name – and here he is being represented as only a man named Bacon can be.

1Other than being at the heart of the six degrees of Kevin Bacon experiment.

The Wire: Monopoly Edition

This board game version of The Wire doesn’t have enough “go to jail” squares for my liking, though perhaps they’re in the Chance pile. Community Chest should probably have been renamed “Community Service”… but they’re replaced with “The Game” and “Re-Up”…

What other popular TV series needs a board game?


Want an iPad but prefer a tactile experience? Don’t want to pay for a MacBook? These reconditioned USB typewriters from etsy are interesting if not practical.

Did I mention that they’re $US700.

Ikea recipe book brings Allen key to the kitchen

Good news for those looking to completely assemble their lives IKEA style. Everybody’s favourite Swedish retailer has produced a cookbook. Here are some of the photos of the ingredients for dishes therein.