Category: Curiosities

Teddies with teeth (presents for kids you want to freak out)

These are from the etsy store Mrs McGettrick’s Fugglers.

The teeth appear to be real, and human.

Tumblrweed: Thanks Textbooks

Thanks Textbooks collects badly thought out sections from academic works.

Some examples…

You can, of course, explore more single serving Tumblrs in the Tumblrweed archives.

What if you were not quite the last man on earth?

This made me laugh the three times I’ve watched it. So it must be funny. Right?

The Last Man On Earth from Peter Atencio on Vimeo.

I love (robot) lamp

This is, I think, what the Pixar lamp would be like if it wasn’t just a short animation in the opening credit of Pixar movies. It’s pretty clever.

Pinokio from Adam Ben-Dror on Vimeo.

A clock for all seasons

The Present is a Kickstarter project which is part installation art, part really slow clock. It rotates once per year.

ThePresent from m ss ng p eces on Vimeo.

It’ll set you back $300.

Infographic: Roy’s Shirts from the IT Crowd

This is a great bit of link bait, infographic style…

The people who made this, who happen to be some sort of T-Shirt Company, have also compiled a list of where to get each shirt.

Piano juggling: not what it sounds like, but still awesome

How anybody figures out this is a thing you can do is beyond me.

Words can’t express how much I love this rail safety ad

This is brilliant. From


You can download the song as an MP3.

Thanks to @stemcd for tipping me off on Twitter

Possibly the awesomest videos on YouTube. Probably.

This is pretty much how I hope my parenting will end up.

It’s from the guy who brought the world Iron Baby.

Great mo-ments in mo-vies :{

Possibly the most important series of movie remakes you’ll see this Movember. So important I felt the need to use an e-mo-ticon.

Great Moments in Movie History… with moustaches: Cast Away from sween on Vimeo.

Great Moments in Movie History… with moustaches: A Few Good Men from sween on Vimeo.

Great Moments in Movie History… with moustaches: Jerry Maguire from sween on Vimeo.

I can’t grow a mo – but my friend Mike can. You should sponsor him.

You know the saying “you don’t want to see how the sausage gets made”…

It’s true.

Here’s another fun one…

And something a little special (I think I’ve posted this before).

Monkey riding a goat walking a tightrope…

I don’t think this needs any comment.

Tommy Westphall’s mind

So a casual reference to multiple universes in the James Bond post yesterday, and the link to an old post about the space time continuum jumping scene which links the British and American Offices when David Brent visits the American Office, meaning that two almost identical days happen to two different people who exist in the same universe, led me to one of the coolest pop culture memes I’d never heard of.

The theory of Tommy Westphall’s mind – which, in a nutshell, through crossover characters and references between programs, ties over 300 TV shows to the imagination of one autistic character in a show I’d never heard of called St. Elsewhere named Tommy Westphall.

The last scene in the St. Elsewhere show allegedly made it apparent (it’s disputed by at least one article) that the entire show had been in the imagined world of Tommy Westphall. Characters from St. Elsewhere, appeared in the series Homicide. Homicide’s character Detective Munch, has been in seven different shows, other than St. Elsewhere – including Homicide, SVU, Arrested Development, The X-Files, The Wire, 30 Rock, and even Sesame Street… Characters from those shows have been in other shows. Tying them to the same universe. Tying them to Tommy Westphall’s mind.

Here’s the map.

Image Credit: The Tommy Westphall Multiverse Map (bigger)

Here’s the key to the grid (PDF), explaining the crossovers.

According to this interview with one of the guys who came up with that map, some of the crossovers are more tenuous than others, but about 70% of them are meant to be fairly tight connections by character – rather than references to entities or corporations that are fictional presences in more than one series.

They even mention the theory that all of Tarantino’s movies occur either within the same universe, or as movies within the Tarantino universe that characters from the main universe watch.

What if all the Bonds fought themselves/each other

The parallel universes required for this to happen are mind-boggling. But I love this.

Bird Sheet music

A British artist is trying to make music using bird poo. Bird poo strategically dropped on large rolls of sheet music.

It’s not going so well.