Tag: art

Stacks of fun

One BILLION DOLLARS. That’s what it looks like people. It’s in $100 notes and is a US billion. Which is different to the rest of the world. So it’s 10 million $100 notes.

The same artist has also stacked up your life* in Rolex hourglass sand.

*81 years.

Via Gizmodo

Coffee Art

This is a cool picture from a series of coffee art on napkins.

Here’s the caption from this one…

My inner accountant quickly convinced me to buy one of those little espresso machines (for the price of approximately 10 tall lattes). It had a steam nozzle to heat milk, which one should clean very thoroughly after each use. I didn’t have the patience to do so. Within a few uses, an unappetizing, dark brown, organic lump developed around the nozzle. A few days later it had become unremovable, and I reverted to getting my coffee outside.

That’s right people. Timely advice to clean your steam wands.

Need an easy reference card featuring your DNA?

Of course you do. You could mount it on your wall. What if I told you it’s available in 25 different colours? How bout a couple of sizes? Still not sold…

All thanks to dna11.

If you’re curious – here’s the process:

Additional Details:

You know you’ve got too much time on your hands when…

When you can make a scene from Super Mario using 17,000 pins. There’s a whole gallery of Mario goodness awaiting anyone brave enough to click that link. I know they’re called drawing pins… but that’s ridiculous.

Recipe for Disaster

Everyone needs a few low cost, low effort recipes for cases of extreme emergency. This blog provides enough “bachelor” meals to last a life time of apathetic Saturdays. Having survived a number of housemates – and having had to occasionally resort to whipping up postmodern culinary masterpiece (the Blue Poles of the kitchen).

I was going to post a couple of my recent experimental meals for your enjoyment – because like in art (including music) experimental cooking leads to innovation for those of you who don’t share the creative bent.

So here are my 3 current favourites – note 2 are fairly similar in basic design principals.

Baked Bean Ravioli Surprise
Serves 4
A dish from the Lorimer school of cheffery – so named because chef’s were surprised and delighted when the dish proved edible – and even eatable – edible of course only implying that it will not do you harm.

1 500 gram tin of Baked Beans
1 500 gram packet of Ravioli

Prepare a saucepan full of boiling water
Add Ravioli
Stir until soft
Warm baked beans in second saucepan
Drain water from ravioli
mix baked beans and ravioli
add cheese

Mallownut Delight
Serves 1
Delightful blend of flavouring – can be prepared successfully without the nutella. Like a toasted marshmallow – with a protective breadlike cover.

4 slices white bread
a handful of marshmallows
nutella – or hazelnut spread substitute

Liberally spread bread slices with hazelnut spread
Slice marshmallows and add to bread
Add slices of bread to toasted sandwich maker
heat – watch carefully as sandwiches have a tendency to leak. Marhsmallow is a bugger to clean off the sandwich toaster.
Serve hot.

Toasted Marswich
Serves 1
There’s nothing sandy about this concoction – a guaranteed winner that will whet your appetite and delight your taste buds.

2 Slices of bread
1 Mars Bar

Slice Mars Bar
Place on Bread evenly
Toast in toasted sandwich maker
Serve hot.

If you have any great (bad) recipes – feel free to add them. Or even suggest terrible alternatives to my three dishes. With the Christmas Season approaching these are surefire ways to successfully entertain guests – or even for a night alone in front of the TV.

The day I became an Iconoclast

Monday mornings are bad. Today I woke myself up stupidly early to get into the office before a corporate breakfast. This was my first bad Monday morning as a full time professional worker. I turned up bushy eyed and bright tailed. Well actually I had no tail. But my early morning coffee did the trick. Breakfast was a selection of traditional hot breakfast foodstuffs eaten at a local animal sanctuary – surrounded by the animal inhabitants of said sanctuary and several interstate visitors looking at hosting corporate functions in Townsville.

Those of you familiar with my artistic opus (I’m not sure it was a magnum opus and it certainly wasn’t a magnum [of either the pistol variety or the ice cream]) Progress In Art may be sad to learn of its untimely demise over the weekend. Due to an absence of picture hanging capabilities in my bedroom (and uncertainty as to whether it would be appropriate to hammer nails into the wall for that purpose) I had placed the rather fragile masterpiece rather precariously on the fluro light on my wall. It looked pretty good there. The lighting was just right. For those of you who haven’t seen it it was basically the insides of a broken discman attached by sticky tape to a framed pane of glass. I was playing some music with a bass line (you know the notes played by the left hand, often below middle C – not the fishing line you’d use to catch bass – English is a fun language to play with) and the subwoofer in my room shook the wall causing the frame to fall to a rather crushing, crashing and smashing halt on the floor below. This made me sad. Mostly because I had to clean up the broken glass. But that was my second most brilliant creation ever. A triumph over the inherent stupidity of postmodern art. Clever on many, many levels. And now it’s gone.

It’s sad when the biggest bit of news you have to report is a broken piece of homemade artwork.

I went to my first Willows working bee on Saturday. Then I went for a cruise around the bay between the mainland and Magnetic Island. It had free food, drink and a band. Yesterday I went to church. Tonight I’m having dinner with the youth minister at Willows to discuss what I’ll be doing with the church this year. It looks like I’ll be co-ordinating the young adults stuff. Consider yourselves updated.

Until next time.
