Tag: bottle opener

Shirt of the Day: Go on a beer bender

This little beer bottle shaped robot has a nifty secret – his hand is actually a bottle opener.

Man’s best friend becomes even more useful

If beer opening cuff links aren’t your thing how about getting a dog collar with a built in bottle opener… dog not included.


Carrying a bottle opener on your key ring is a great way to subtly let other Christians know they can comfortably bring alcohol to your house when you invite them round for dinner. If you’re not comfortable with such an overt method of communication perhaps you’d prefer these bottle opening cuff links.

UrbanTrend: Beerdometer

Ever wanted to track how many beers you’ve had. Ever. And how many you’ve doled out to others. Perhaps you’ll need two of these. One for you, and one for your friends.

Our daily Fred: Coaster to coaster

These coasters are a sure way to make dinner party guests feel comfortable – hopefully not too comfortable or you’ll be cleaning up after their spills for days.

This bad boy’s even got a built in bottle opener.