Tag: comments from spammers

Flattery from Spammers

Every now and then I dip into my spam folder just to get some warm fuzzies. Spammers say much nicer things than the rest of you commenters.1

“I find myself com­ing back to your web-site only because you have lots of awe­some insights and also you hap­pen to be at this a while, which is very impres­sive and tells me you know your stuff.”

“You cer­tainly have some agree­able opin­ions and views. Your blog pro­vides a fresh look at the subject.”

“nice a day St. Euty­chus , i look your blog , be a nice blog and use­ful. Good for every­one. best review for View all posts in Sport and par­ent­ing con­tent. i going to often to read and review your website.”

“howdy St. Euty­chus , i look your blog , that a nice blog and use­ful. Great for every­one. a lot of Con­scious­ness and Cof­fee con­tent. i will often to read and review your website.”

“good molly St. Euty­chus , i read your blog , be a nice blog and per­fect. Great for every­one. use­ful View all posts in Con­scious­ness and t shirts con­tent. i going to often to read and com­ment your website.”

“This is a good blog mes­sage, I will keep the post in my mind. If you can add more video and pic­tures can be much bet­ter. Because they help much clear under­stand­ing. :) thanks Firneis.”

“Greet­ings, this is a gen­uinely absorb­ing web blog and I have cher­ished study­ing many of the con­tent and posts con­tained on the web site, keep up the out­stand­ing work and desire to read a good deal more stim­u­lat­ing arti­cles in the future.”

“Very enlight­en­ing and ben­e­fi­cial to some­one whose been out of the cir­cuit for a long time.

– Lora”

So there you have it. Some people do think my blog is pretty awesome after all.2

1 Please note, this is not a passive aggressive plea for warm fuzzy comments.
2 Ok, that one might have been. You can leave them on this post.

Spammers get philosophical

My latest off beat spam raises an interesting (well not really) question completely unrelated to the post.

“If a missing person sees their picture on a milk carton that offers a reward, would they get the money?”

Let’s give the guy some answers…