Tag: cool art
The Motherboard Lisa Smile
Here’s a digital rendition of Da Vinci’s classic.
Her smile doesn’t have that lopsided effect. There are just too many chips in her teeth.
From here.
If Picasso drew comics…
I’m not surprised that Picasso style comics haven’t taken off. You can’t cheer for a guy who looks like this…
…or this.
From this gallery here.
If you did want to try your hand at creating Picasso-esque comic characters you could do worse than use the “Mr Picasso Head” webapp… I’ll post my Picasso picture when it gets added to the gallery.
Bacteria future
This little picture of Mario might look like any old picture of an old time game character…
But looks, as we know, can be deceiving.
This little Mario is made from bacteria.
High steaks art
Steak Filter v0 – init from AKA MEDIA SYSTEM on Vimeo.
I am plugging composite video into a big steak, which is then cooked. The video signal going through the steak is the image of the steak cooking. Gradually, the steak loses moisture and signal can no longer pass.
Mr Potato Head and his many potato friends
If you’ve got some ink, some potatoes, and too much time on your hands you too could create an army of potato people. If you don’t have any of those things there’s always this gallery…
Coffee masterpieces
Karen Eland is an artist who not only paints using coffee – she puts pictures of coffee in famous paintings. And as such, she is now my favourite artist.
Here are some good ones – there are heaps more…
Heroes near a bomb shell
Photographer Agan Harahap put together a little gallery of World War Two photographs featuring superheroes. The good guys could not have won the war without this sort of external help…
That heading is possibly a lame reference to the Ninja Turtles’ catch cry – if you didn’t pick that up… if it needs explaining it’s clearly a bad title.
Paintball Art
You have quite possibly seen this video of the Mythbusters guys painting the Mona Lisa in a blink with a paintball turret gun…
But I’m hoping you haven’t seen this rendering of Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe portrait already…
And I posted this a while ago, but it’s equally impressive – though not strictly a piece of “paintball art”… in fact it’s got nothing to do with paintball. But it is the Mona Lisa.
Craigslist connections
I think Australian culture is poorer for not having the same addiction to Craigslist that our American friends do. There is an Australian site.
There’s apparently a whole culture I was almost completely unaware of, where you post “Missed Connections” advertisements or messages in the hope of finding that person who caught your eye.
I know Text the Editor in our local paper occasionally features this sort of behaviour. But it’s mostly so that people can vent or rage about bad driving.
This is a long preamble to bring to your attention this blog called “Missed Connections” where an artist provides artistic renditions of these ads that catch her eye.
Like these…
“Monday, March 23, 2009
-m4w (Harlem)
Remember? Uptown A train. Sunday at around 9pm. I was the black dude reading Bukowski’s Post Office. You were reading the Arts and Leisure section. You passed wind rather loudly and started chuckling. I’d like to see you again. The flatulence wasn’t a turn-off. “
“Thursday, August 27, 2009
sorry your bike got stolen. its beautiful. when some guy offered it to me for 40 bucks, i didnt even think twice. i was drunk, missing my bike and figured if not me, someone else would buy it anyways. also, my bike got stolen last week. who knows, maybe you bought it for 40 bucks from some guy on the street. so if you see me riding it, feel free to say hey. maybe we could trade back. if not, you can buy it from me for 40 bucks. id buy my old bike back for 40 bucks. it was way more comfortable than this one. “
“Saturday, October 17, 2009
– m4w
We shared a bear suit at an apartment party on Saturday night.
I asked for your number and you gave it to me, but somehow I don’t have an area code written down. I had a great time talking with you, and I don’t trust Chance enough to wait until I see you in the elevators… “
Ate bit cakes
Mmm, nutritious, eight bit, and delicious. Just how I like my cakes.
This Mario Cupcake family (from Flickr) is beautiful.
But this Pacman cake (also from Flickr) really, well, takes the cake…
And for those who like arty cakes… I give you a Van Gogh (also from Flickr).
Pretty fly art
The internet is abuzz with this cool collection of dead fly art. And why wouldn’t it be. It’s so dazzlingly simple.