Tag: daily vowel movements

Shirt of the Day: Mario in the morning

Mario's Closet @ SplitReason.com
Mario’s Closet design @ © SplitReason.com

This picture has the possibility of becoming an awesome shirt for those days when you’re not sure what you want to wear… it’s being voted on at that link above.

And Andrew from Daily Vowel Movements sent it my way.

If you’ve got anything you think would be good blog fodder for me – send it my way.

My email address is in the footer (down the bottom of the page). Sometime this week I’ll try to replace the two pictures of coffee cups that are down there with something a little less repetitive.

Post it post

I’ve been reading Daily Vowel Movements for a while. Since its Andrew became one of the many Andrews who comments here on occasion. It’s a blog with a nice regularity. You should check it out.

Friday is my favourite day, because on Fridays Andrew posts his pointless post it notes – which are every bit as amusing as the index card version they were inspired by. Here’s my favourite:

Stickying around

These are nice. Sculptures made of sticky tape (there are more). From Daily Vowel Movements (possibly the coolest surname based pun ever). That Andrew (one of the many who occasionally comments here) has just been writing a series on jargon which has been most interesting.