Tag: drumming for Jesus

Drumming for Jesus: Quantity over quality

They call him Dr. Mark. Good morning how are you. He’s Dr Mark. He’s interested in things…*

Don’t see this post as knocking drummers. Drums are great. But the key to drumming is knowing what, and when, not to play… seems like that might be a problem for this American preacher/drummer.

Here are some details about the kit, and Dr Mark Temperato. The man behind who bashes things with sticks.

I have designed and play The Largest DrumSET in the World with an arsenal of unusual sounds to Worship God and Wage War against the enemy
since 1978. God’s presence & power upon these sounds bring LIFE, healing,
deliverance and miracles. We get to kick the devil out of his place of
power…in our lives and in our world!

Here he is behind the skins…

Via Jesus Needs New PR

* Can I also say that this guy gets some points for reminding me of that They Might Be Giants classic.