Tag: etsy
Sleep in a vegetative state
So, apparently the US Congress might not have declared pizza to be a vegetable afterall – though that’s been the public perception of their move to identify pizza as a healthy lunch time snack for school children… that’s neither here nor there though. Because you’ll still totally want one of these pizza sleeping bags…
The same seller has this nifty bacon scarf which is complementary, rather than complimentary. Or whichever one isn’t free but goes well with the other…
Big brown bear bean bag
This bean bag would serve more purpose if I lived somewhere that big brown bears lived. It could keep big brown bears in the yard and out of the house by acting as a decoy. Oh well.
For sale on Etsy. It’s like a scarebear (as opposed to a scarecrow, not as opposed to a carebear).
Say it with style: Letterpress Cards
Dear ____, from ____ templated jokes are one of those little internet memes you probably haven’t heard of and I don’t care about. Or you might have. I don’t know. There’s a tumblog somewhere. Most of them aren’t funny.
But these are kind of clever.
Tumblrweed: Sad Etsy boyfriends
This urlesque post about sad etsy boyfriends turned into its own single serving Tumblr pretty quickly. Because that’s how the Internet works.
For those scratching their heads trying to figure out what the nouns in that sentence mean, here’s a quick reference glossary…
urlesque – a blog collecting bits of the web.
etsy – a “sell your handcrafts” service where makers can sell their creations to the world.
sad etsy boyfriends – the male partners of etsy users who are, by appearance, forced by their other halves to model said creations.
tumblr – a blogging platform that lets you create and share content very quickly.
Tumblrweed is a series of posts where I share some of my favourite, or newly discovered, single serving tumblrs.
My type of map
This typographic world map, available on Etsy, is quite incredible and more than a little bit clever. Rather than drawing borders the countries are created using the names of cities, landmarks, and nations.
Hipster Bingo: For your next trip to your local Hipsterville
I’m not sure where the hipsters hang out in your part of the world. But in Brisbane they all like to play in West End. So, I’m up for heading down there with a handful of these cards. If you look closely the middle square has an asterisked out rude word. So language warning and all that…
Pi plate: Because everybody needs a thousand digits of pi
This. Friends. Is a pi-plate. It has lots of pi. It has almost 1,500 decimal places (1,498 to be exact). So that you can invite a mathlete to dinner.
Via etsy.
If Scientists were Rockstars
These minimalist rock star posters promoting scientific endeavour are cool (from etsy).
So too, these posters promoting scientific achievement as a rock gig. There’s a whole Flickr set of them.
The emperor’s new cups
I am of the opinion that Styrofoam cups are a single use affair. They’re lucky to last a whole use in my hands. I like to rip them into shreds. This guy likes to turn them into art, selling them on the Internet for a tidy profit… though reading through his description of the effort one of his pieces took on Flickr makes me wonder if it’s all worthwhile.
If you want to pay $190 for a $0.03 cup then this guy wants to talk to you… I’ll scribble on a cup for just $5.
What would Steve Jobs Do
This is probably a good question to ask yourself if you’re a product designer or an aspiring billionaire – it’s not going to get you anywhere in the long (eternal) term like the original FLAW (four letter acronym wristband). But it’ll only cost you $5.
Colour me Ironman
The black Iron Man Decal for the Mac a few weeks ago was pretty cool – but it’s not as cool as this coloured one. Also from Etsy.