Tag: Facebook Connect

iBlog 2.0

A similar nomenclature was enough to sink the latest Vegemite flavour – so perhaps I should expect too much from this. But I’m fiddling with some new Facebook connect options that have recently been developed before I unleash it on our work websites.

To do this I’ve had to make a fan page on Facebook – you should join up. I’m hoping people will use it to give me ideas for things to blog – like Ali has been doing lately via her comments.

Here’s the link to the fan page, and feel free to add me as a friend (I may ignore you if you look weird).

Eventually you’ll be able to do all sorts of funky interactive stuff between here and Facebook – if I can get it working. I love being a technological guinea pig. You can keep tabs in the sidebar – where I’ve also added a live traffic feed. Interesting times.

If Facebook isn’t your thing but you’ve got a google account why not join the Google Friend Connect thing also on the sidebar… it’ll even add my blog google reader automatically if I’m in the “blogs you follow” category.

Finally, while I’m talking technical stuff and appealing for online friendship – check out my link list in the sidebar too. If you think you should be on it (or would like to be) let me know… and if you’ve got one, well, you could always add me too…