Tag: ideas

Someone should make a zombie pull-a-part bread roll

This Zombie Doll from Neatorama spawned that brilliant idea in the title. Zombie bread rolls would sell in the tens. If not the hundreds. As would zombie “my family” stickers. I’d like to make “My Dysfunctional Family” stickers.

The Dismember-Me Plush Zombie is a real thing though. Unlike those two ideas.

A time capsule of world changing ideas

This is an interesting little exercise. Seed Magazine asked a bunch of scientists the following question:

“If you only had a single statement to pass on to others summarizing the most vital lesson to be drawn from your work, what would it be?”

It’s like the reverse of that time machine shirt where you have all the information you need to change the world, it’s based on the premise that one day we might need to start all over.

The responses from the scientists are a bit boring and jargony. Like this one:

“The scale of the human socio-economic-political complex system is so large that it seriously interferes with the biospheric complex system upon which it is wholly dependant, and cultural evolution has been too slow to deal effectively with the resulting crisis.”

I think we can do better than that.

So I’m wondering what your answer would be. From your own experience. If you only comment on one of my posts this year, make it this one.

The Idea Killers

Here’s a cool little series of ads. Nothing kills good ideas quicker than some of these things.

Idea sent by email

Client thinks he/she is creative

Legal department recommendations

Here’s the Flickr set.

Self filtering

You’ll be happy to know (particularly those following the whole blog off thing) that I generally only post about 40% of my ideas. Which means a 60% increase in posts shouldn’t be a problem.