Tag: Krosswerdz

Krosswerdz: taking Jesus to the hip hop community one beat at a time

I’m not an expert on Hip Hop. It accounts for about 4% of my iTunes library and that number is increasingly diminishing (at the moment Hip Hop with Banjo would be a winner).

But my friend Nat is. Nat aka Dsipl is, without question, one of my favourite people in the world. He’s a marquee for turning personal tragedy into an opportunity to help others – and though he has to stab himself with needles a few times a day, as a diabetic – he’s one of the most others focused people I know.

Nat’s involved with a group called Krosswerdz – they’re Hip Hop people who love Jesus (apparently, according to Nat when I asked him once – Hip Hop is a lifestyle, Rap is what you do)… They put on regular Hip Hop church services around the country. Aiming to connect with people who are that way inclined.

Image Credit: The Embassy

I went along to one of their meetings in Logan a couple of months ago – and they’ve grown their Brisbane gathering from single digits to somewhere around 60 people (probably more – I didn’t count) in less than a year.

Anyway. Nat released a video today. I like it, and this seemed as good a time as any to plug Krosswerdz.