Yeah, so I’m a geek. And I spend a fair bit of time trying to get frustrating CSS anomalies ironed out of our work website. So this mug is funny. Ok. That is all.
Tag: mug
Class = “mug”
Office muggers
You know what sucks. Colleagues who steal your mug. There’s nothing more comforting than your own faithful mug when work is a drag. And ferreting through the mug cupboard for some half decent/not embarrassing mug to use if yours is missing is demoralising.
You’ll never have that problem again with this eternally dirty mug.
You will have “eternally helpful” colleagues who when faced with the obstinate stains might chuck it out – so it’s probably best to buy two.
A mug’s game
I like dunking biscuits in a nice frothy mug of hot chocolate – but never in a cup of coffee. Unless it’s a plunged or brewed cup without the smooth microfoamed texture of a well made espresso based drink… The problem (other than the somewhat dubious rules of etiquette surrounding the dunk*) is that I never have enough hands to carry a stash of biscuits and the mug. It’s seriously inefficient. The “Dunk Mug” is here to help.
What a concept.
* The Tim Tam Slam is an exception.
Gloomy mug
Here’s a mug for those of you struggling with overbearing optimism. Just $US9.95.
Definitely, maybe
So, you can’t spell “definitely” – here’s a bookmark for you.
You can even buy a mug. Or a wide range of defiantly “definitely” merchandise.