Tag: optical illusions

Have your mind blown by shades of grey…

Check this out. It’s pretty clear the bottom box is lighter. Right.

Now cover the joint in the middle of the shape with your finger. Do it. On the screen. Amazing.

Via tywkiwdbi

Mobius Ship: bottle this and I’d buy it…

This is a truly sensational pun based sculpture.

Just amazingly clever and intricate. It’s not for sale. It’s art. Incredible art from a bloke named Tim Hawkinson.

Escher in Legos: blocktical illusions?

What happens if you take famous optical illusion artworks and build them. With Lego.

Say you wanted to turn Escher’s Relativity, which looks like this…

Into a lego based photo. Well. I won’t leave you hanging. It would look like this:

Andrew Lipton and his BFF Daniel Shiu have made a batch of these. Worth checking out.

My mind. Blown. And my eyes too…

I don’t often post gifs here. Their constant movement makes my eyes bleed. We’ll see how long I keep this one up. It is absolutely mesmerising.

Amy sent this one to me on Twitter. I don’t know where it’s from originally. Some tumblr somewhere.

A trick of the light…

Look at this picture up close, and then look at it from a few metres away. I’m not sure this is an application Einstein considered when studying light.

From bits and pieces.

This one you can just look at up close…

From Neatorama.

Leaning tower of pizzas

No posts yesterday. I’m a slacker. Actually, it’s quite the reverse. I was busy. I’ll try to rectify this today.

Round two of my little “cooking school” is happening tonight. We’re doing gourmet pizzas. By popular demand. Anybody got a favourite pizza topping/strategy?

Oh, and check out this cool optical illusion…

Find out what’s so special about it here.