Tag: Real Life Superheroes

Real real life superheroes…

I’ve posted lots of stuff about vigilante “real life superhero” type peeps in the past, but questionable legality aside, they’ve got nothing on these window washers who dress as superheroes to cheer up the patients in a children’s hospital.

Via here, and @Fraank_Oceaan

More on Real Life Superheroes

I continue my fascination with the sort of psychological make up that leads people to don spandex, leather, and bulletproof vests to patrol the streets as super heroes. This article has done nothing to convince me to put an end to such fascination, but nor does it make me think the heroes in question are even remotely sane.

Here is Phoenix Jones. I’ve posted about him before. He’s still alive, which is possibly miraculous.

This story covers a meeting of Real Life Superheroes in Washington around Comic Con. It is pretty amazing stuff.

Infographic: How to be a good guy, or bad guy

So you want to be a crime fighter, perhaps a real life superhero, but you don’t know where to start. Well. Now you do. Thanks to this infographic. If you’re into something a little more nefarious, check out the guide to being a bad guy.

From Everyguyed. Via Visual News

Seattle’s Real Life Superheroes: In the News

I bet one of these guys is Mark Driscoll. If you get to 2:30 – I reckon he’s the one on the right.

“We stand for a message. And the message is that we are against violence and we are against the crimes you are going to do”

Red Dragon carries a wooden sword. That could be Driscoll too.

Growing up heroes

Did you ever dress up as a superhero as a kid? Did you leave photographic evidence with your cruel parents? Then look out. Here’s a group photoblog dedicated to immortalising those moments where you tried to express your inner super hero.

The Secret life of Superheroes

Other than solving crimes and catching bad guys the life of the Superhero is surprisingly normal. Though superpowers do come in handy for domestic duties.

Batman, being a lame unsuperhero, has been foreclosed.

From Super Not So Super.


Ever wondered where all the superheroes go when they’re too old to continue as caped crusaders? They never seem to get old in the comics, and yet technology changes around them. Weird.

But now, the secret is out. There’s some sort of Superhero nursing home out there…


Remember the Real Life Superheroes? No, probably not. I wrote about them back when I had about six readers. They get a write up in today’s SMH.

They have such lame names. But that’s pretty standard for Superheroes. I do wonder – with reference to the title – if a person’s title is called an honorific whether one’s superhero name is a heroific? After watching Wolverine yesterday – aka X-Men Origins, I read through the Wikipedia entries on the characters just out of curiosity (starting here) – I wanted to see how faithful the movie storyline was to the actual comics. Turns out the answer to that question is “not very” – but that’s ok, I enjoyed the movie and I’m not a comic book fanboy – or a Mark Driscoll fanboy – though I only use that phrase to ensure my ongoing google pensupremacy* for that phrase.

*I assume given that penultimate is the thing before the ultimate that pensupremacy is the entry before the top entry. Who knows. Correct me if I’m wrong. Actually, don’t. It was merely a bit of wordplay. I take it all back. Except that I leave it all there.