Tag: regretsy

Tumblrweed: Sad Etsy boyfriends

This urlesque post about sad etsy boyfriends turned into its own single serving Tumblr pretty quickly. Because that’s how the Internet works.

For those scratching their heads trying to figure out what the nouns in that sentence mean, here’s a quick reference glossary…

urlesque – a blog collecting bits of the web.
etsy – a “sell your handcrafts” service where makers can sell their creations to the world.
sad etsy boyfriends – the male partners of etsy users who are, by appearance, forced by their other halves to model said creations.
tumblr – a blogging platform that lets you create and share content very quickly.

Tumblrweed is a series of posts where I share some of my favourite, or newly discovered, single serving tumblrs.

Beware the unbread

This zombie toast statue looks like it should be blasted with a shotgun – and definitely not purchased.

Regretsy – the place bad etsy purchases go to die

Regretsy has taken on the task of documenting the crap sold on etsy for posterity’s sake.