Tag: Rube Goldberg

Ok Go in automobile rube goldberg film clip

Just when you thought these guys couldn’t get much cooler, or more elaborate, with their film clips…

Photographic Rube Goldberg Machine takes the art of portrait photography to new level

Impressive. I love a good Rube Goldberg Machine.

Massive Rube Goldberg Machine (re)creates history

Wow. This record breaking Rube Goldberg machine also covers significant events from world history.

Here it is with commentary…

This is the single take version of the machine at work.

I can’t go past this video

You’ve no doubt seen the new OK Go Rube Goldberg music video by now. If not, here it is…

Watching it yesterday on Amy’s blog I was skeptical about its origins. I thought it might be a bunch of videos stiched together or some sort of CGI. But it appears to be legit.

Here’s the story behind the film clip on Wired.