Tag: the new planking

Tumblrweed: Stocking, possibly the new “new planking”…

Stock photography has the capacity to be pretty awful. Mixing random keywords together in the hope that the internet will discover and fall in love with your generic image is a recipe for some pretty awful photo composition.

So stock photography is great fodder for mockery, and thus great fodder for a single serving tumblr. Enter “Stocking is the new planking”

Tumblrweed: Tebowing (not the new Planking)

Calling things “the new planking” is so passe. It also gives planking more airtime than it is worth… planking is so “the start of the year” anyway.

Tebowing involves striking a prayerful pose like famously Christian NFL quarterback Tim Tebow (perhaps more famous for being a Christian than for being an athlete (but what would I know – I’m Australian)).

Anyway. Fun times.