Tag: wedding prep

Brave new world

Hello reader.
I haven’t written anything for a while. I have been incredibly busy discovering the meaning of “work” and “stress” – they say career changes, moving and relationship changes are some of life’s most stressful experiences.
Robyn and I are currently househunting – as previously mentioned. Finding an appropriate rental is a pain in the posterior. Things are too small, too expensive, too far from particular locations, or leased too soon to people who circumvent due process.
Our wedding is only approximately (see time in sidebar) away – and literally getting closer by the second. We now need to figure out table decorations – and how to address mistakes in information contained in the invite.
Which brings me to career change – my role is in a very dynamic stage at the moment – my manager just took an internal promotion and our team is undergoing a restructure – that’s workspeak for “I’m now doing the work of two people while being paid for the work of three quarters of a person.”
I also have a new desk, in a larger cubicle. And I’m now the “Webmaster”.