Tag: youtube

YouTube Twosday: More animal coffee

No, not the stuff that’s been through the digestive tract… but latte art featuring friendly mythical animals… and pigs.

YouTube Tuesday: Amazing basketball video

Bad movie plot: Mormon Theology

Here’s a fairly old piece of orthodox Christian criticism of Mormon theology… Interesting viewing, this, along with a South Park episode, and some segments of John Safran vs God, forms my understanding of the teachings of the US-centric religion. It’s really not at all linked to Christianity – despite what your friendly neighbourhood doorknocker might tell you.

Want a youth ministry that rocks?

Let Ignatius ignite you.

His essential ingredients of Youth Ministry:

  1. An Xbox 360
  2. A copy of rock band
  3. A book deal
  4. A moderately priced hair cut

He’s edgier than Mark Driscoll.

“Ignatius makes Song of Solomon look like Dr Zeuss”

And all about rigourous training and preparation…

“I’m very serious about preparation – I’ll spend two or three hours doing prayer lattes.”

It’s 10 minutes of awesome Youth Ministry instruction

Relax children, it’s a mockumentary…

The incredible Laurence Tureaud

Who is Laurence Tureaud you ask… he’s Mr T – the bodyguard/actor/wrestler/reality TV star/face of Snickers/recording artist/kitchenware endorser/Christian/cartoon character famous for roles in the A-Team, the first ever Wrestlemania and Rocky.

He’s been around. He’s an interesting guy. And he’s so diversely talented that there’s a little bit of Mr T to appeal to everybody.
For a starter he’s dead against “your mum” jokes – as this film clip demonstrates…

If that wasn’t your cup of tea – here’s his cartoon from the early 80s…

Here’s Mr T in the kitchen…

Here he is in action in the very first Wrestlemania tagging with Hulk Hogan…

Here’s his “Get some nuts” snickers ad…

And a collection of Mr T’s wise sayings from the A-Team…

And here, finally, for your viewing pleasure, is Mr T’s first fight against Rocky in HD…

Do you dare?

Another day, another lame segway rip off. This one’s for kids. The Dareway.

And according to this YouTube ad (you’ll have to click the post title to get it – they don’t come up in the sidebar) you’ll end up being a junior character from the Matrix – complete with leather trenchcoat.

Found here.

YouTube Tuesday: Now coming to a Friday near you

Latte art is one of my favourite things. I am not very good at it. At all. But I reckon with enough practice I could do this:

The related videos are also pretty cool. Some would suggest the “paintbrush” technique is cheating.

Card carrying card carrier

This is one of those “I can’t believe I missed this” posts. Last week I posted a collection of business cards – and then this week on Rove I saw this clip. A guy who is serious about business cards – and his personal card costs $4 a pop.

And then, this gem, from actor/comedian Steve Martin. Nothing like a personal touch…

Bacon Henge

Gordo linked to a post about how Stone Henge may have been built. It’s a fascinating piece of British architecture.

It’s impressive. The YouTube video may be interesting – I don’t know, I haven’t watched it yet. That’s irrelevant. What is relevant is this very exciting recreation of Stonehenge – with bacon.

That’s what I call impressive architecture.

Funniest Home Videos: The nursery rhyme edition

Little sister number three said she didn’t mind if I uploaded videos of her. So I have. And here it is. I will probably have to take it down because she’ll ask me to. Sadly there is more embarrassing footage that we’ll be keeping for her 21st.

So cute. But a lesson for parents – taking cute footage of your kids will lead to their older siblings mocking them in their teenage years. Now, I must hop off.

Funniest home videos

I spent last Saturday morning going through some old family home videos ahead of dad’s 50th birthday (on April 12). I have to edit them down into a nice little family video production. Dad has set the video production bar pretty high – as you’ll see on his design4church blog. Here’s the MPC promo video for this year’s “Rechurch” theme…

Oh the shame. My parents recorded some very cruel things that will no doubt come back to haunt my two sisters who have not yet celebrated 21st birthdays. Tomorrow I will resume this task.

I wonder if there are ethical problems with posting videos of your younger siblings doing embarrassing things on YouTube without their consent and many years after the fact?

Would it balance it out if I posted skeletons from my own closet? Like the matinée performance of my starring role in our fifth grade (at school not a comment on quality) musical performance of Oliver.

PETA patter

It’s been too long since I last bagged out PETA. Far too long. They are stupid. Let that be on the record here. If in 15 years someone is vetting me for some high powered role and this disqualifies me… so be it. I’ll stand by this. PETA is stupid. People who protest about animal rights are generally stupid – there’s a generalisation for you… but they’re particularly stupid when they’re protesting about people shooting dogs. In video games. Where they’re also shooting ze Germans. And the dogs are nasty attack dogs. They’re not puppies.

PETA’s real beef should be with those who train vicious attack dogs, but then they don’t like beef either.

If PETA were normal humans they’d be much more worried about the fact that the game involves people being shot, but no, it’s all about dogs.

A PETA statement says:

“Not since we were pitted against Nazi attack dogs when we first escaped from Castle Wolfenstein 17 years ago have we seen such barbaric treatment of dogs in gameplay as we did in Call of Duty, World of War.”

This case was prosecuted by equally stupid students – who started a petition, because:

“Killing dogs as a form of entertainment … over and over again. That’s one of the objects of the game,” says Lucci, 19, a senior at NDA. “Parents need to know what they are buying their kids. Killing animals should not be a form of entertainment.”

“My little 12-pound Pomeranian, Winnie the Pooh, is sitting next to [Lucci’s brother as he plays the game], and I’m thinking, ‘This looks horrible!'” Lucci says.

Lucci then adds, “My brother is a sweetheart. He won’t be killing dogs after playing. But some people might.”

Those of you concerned about animal welfare in the gaming realm should apparently play Fable 2. It won PETA’s award for most animal friendly game release.

“In this virtual fight between good and evil, characters powered by tofu are just as powerful as their meat-eating counterparts—and are more fit and attractive to boot. Featuring a strong pro-vegetarian theme, eating a plant-based diet helps you rack up “purity” points, whereas eating meat makes your character fat and evil.”

“A fun and innovative game, it’s also an effective tool that teaches gamers the real-life benefits of a vegetarian diet.”

Here’s a video of Call of Duty’s dog killing exploits… warning contents may offend if you find the shooting of pixelated canines trying to rip the throat from your pixelated character offensive…

YouTube Twosday – wherefore art though Mario

Here are two Super Mario inspired videos along a similar theme – what would happen if Mario appeared in real life (and not in a terrible, terrible, movie version…)

The first takes a real life Mario (played by a human) into an 8 bit society (made from cardboard).

While the second takes the real Mario onto the streets. It’s worth a watch – especially from about a minute in.

Warp Whistle
by MatthewDominick

YouTube Tuesday: Wiimote controlled coffee

I was sure I’d posted this before. But it appears not. I searched for all the logical combinations of words.

If I were a bit nerdier – or geekier – I would try to figure out how to do this to my machine – which is essentially a supersized Silvia (but slightly different in structure). Total temperature control is pretty much the holy grail of coffee preparation.

Get cremed

Cadbury Creme Eggs are a masterpiece of Eastery goodness. There’s a Facebook group calling for them to be sold all year round – and I’m all for that.

Cadbury ran a pretty awesome “egg death” marketing campaign where fans had to bring about the untimely demise of their favourite culinary creation.

Here’s something special – make sure you watch right until the gooey end.