Once Upon A Time In Mexico…

I get some really strange emails addressed to people who aren’t me. Some people get really confused. I once got assignment proposals from an entire class of Washington State University Students. I replied to each of them. You can read the exchanges here.

Today I received an unusually abrupt request from some guy I didn’t know to “make him look like a Mexican” and an attached photo. So I complied.

This was the guy.

This was the Mexican.

This was the guy as the Mexican.

If you think you can make this guy a better Mexican please download the photo, edit it, and send it to me at the gmail address linked in my header.

I will, if I get submissions, send them on to the person who made the original request.


Ben McLaughlin says:

Nice work bro. Sort of Old School Mexico meets Ming The Merciless..

I just sent you a submission.

[…] Subscribe? 0 ← My Happiness Once Upon A Time In Mexico… […]

[…] let me soothe your con­science with these two emails that I received this week. The first is from the guy who asked me to “make him a Mex­i­can” the sec­ond is from the Mex­i­can man’s wife. “This has been the fun­ni­est set of events […]