The Devil made me eat it…

I thought I’d share with you some tidbits from the newest edition/addition in my library. These are photos from my iPhone.

It’s brilliant. It opens with a statement I can paraphrase as: if you/r friend are/is overweight, not only is it the devil’s fault but you should question your salvation.

I’ll deal with the substance of the argument in a future post – but now I’m going to share with you some of what I think makes this book special – its style.

Some of its illustrations look like Chance cards from Monopoly:

With a bit of high art (which may suggest that the original sin was gluttony not disobedience).

The problem is your sub-conscious. It’s the Devil’s playground.

It’s this sort of advice that will set you on the path to skinniness:

It says: “A glass of water will do you for breakfast. It’s surprising how satisfying a glass of water can be.”

The Devil is an imp in a top hat.

He ends up in web of positive thinking and healthy eating advice:

I’ve only posted less than half the post-worthy illustrations here (and they’re photos from my iPhone). I’m hoping to post the rest in coming days/weeks in better quality and with the kind of analysis you’ve come to expect from St. Eutychus.

I trust you’ll enjoy this journey of self discovery thoroughly.


David says:

This book should be titled “How to give Christians eating disorders”. I’m expecting a drawing of someone with there head in the toilet “repenting”. Or would it be performing a self-exorcism?

simone says:

Can’t wait for more! This is golden blogging, Nathan. Come over. We have mud cake in the fridge.

jon says:

Thanks Nathan I never knew all that. I’m going to give up eating right now!

brokensaint says:

wow. I mean wow. I’ve dealt with clinical depression for a long time and gotten the same sort of responses about that but none were so… obviously ridiculous?

Nathan says:

Perhaps they only become obviously ridiculous when you incorporate them into comic style.

Goannatree says:

that is why people think Christians are nuts. me, however, find it hilarious. geez louise….this is gold!

Aaran says:

The guy with the glass of water doesn’t look very satisfied. A glass of coke will also do for breakfast if had with some cold pizza.