Mullet-Mo for the gospel

This. My friends. Is a fundraising opportunity that perhaps outclasses Movember. Mullet-mo for the Gospel.

Every $10 donated to Katherine Yock’s Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) support fund keeps Peter Yock’s mullet – and mo – growing for another day. And earns you a photo of the mullet. $50 buys you a whole week. You can give online.

AFES does great gospel work around Australia – and Katherine does great work at my old uni, where I was involved with AFES. So this is a cause dear to my heart.

yock mullet

The Yocks are having a baby soon – and the mullet is already funded up to November. I think if a bunch of you, dear readers, were to donate, that we could make sure the baby actually remembers the mullet.

Give hard, so that the Yocks can keep partying hard. Like it’s 1980 something.