Tag: breakfast

How to make incredible breakfast burritos in Six Steps

Last night, at some time around 11pm, I was talking to reader Tim Goldsmith on Facebook, and in an off hand comment (as he described a technical glitch he was having with this site) he mentioned two magic words. Breakfast burritos. I hadn’t had dinner at this point. I was inspired.

I’d had a breakfast burrito before. On the Sunshine Coast. It was delicious.

I had the ingredients. I still had the oil I’d used in the afternoon for the tortilla chips (I was planning to rebottle it to use again). I was hungry. So I made breakfast burritos. Here’s what I did…

Step 1. Cook the bacon and two eggs.

Step 2. Add some maple syrup and Worcestershire sauce to the bacon. This makes bacon delicious.

I just pour it on top of the cooking bacon – though beware, if you don’t watch it carefully it’ll coat your pan with a layer that’s almost impossible to clean. But it’s worth it.

Step 3. I had some sticky rib BBQ sauce in the fridge, so I put a dollop of that on the tortilla.

Step 4. I loaded up the tortilla with the bacon, some cheese, and then the egg.

Here’s about how cooked it was…

Step 5. Then it was into the frypan (with a bit of really hot oil – probably half a centimetre). It cooked/blackened really quickly. Heaps quicker than the chips.

Step 6. Plate up.

Delicious. It’s now on the menu if ever you come around for breakfast.

A visual guide to eggs

I love eggs. Especially with bacon. You all know all of this already, but I like the design. So there.

From Culinaut.

Find Jesus in your toast – every morning

JesusToasters help your breakfast theophanies become a daily event.

Great for communion toast too. Really hammers home the link between the bread and the body of Christ.

Breakfast flowchart

If the question of what cereal to eat in the morning is something you can’t tackle without a decent breakfast – thus creating an infinite loop of hunger – then you need this great flowchart. It even takes into account the fact that Australians have a more limited range of cereals to choose from (and perhaps less inclination to make a choice).

A Rube awakening

The pinnacle of Rube Goldberg machine technology is the breakfast machine. That’s what we’re all aiming for. Here’s one that delivers a complete breakfast – courtesy of a Gizmodo feature

And here’s a video of the thing in action.

Our daily Fred: The breakfast edition

Two products for today’s email – they’re not sold as a set but will no doubt bring countless minutes of joy to your breakfast routine.

By the way, did you hear the one about the little burnt cornflake?*

Here’s the milk jug… in a convenient half pint size.

And now, the cereal bowl – remember, no crying over spilt milk, but how could you if the spillage was permanently capture in such a stylish fashion.

*I can’t tell you the rest this time… it’s a cereal.