Just a few posts (and some months) ago I mentioned Heather Mills tireless campaign on behalf of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (why aren't they called PFTETOA?) – well, not to be outdone, everybody's favourite bimbo Pam Anderson has waged in with her own cause du jour – the treatment of chickens by global burger congomerate KFC.
Pam – who has been residing in the Big Brother House as a "celebrity guest" – is going to use her new found fame and reputation to bring the poulty plight of these poor hens to the world stage. It turns out KFC is cruel to chickens… not only that… they actually kill them and fry them in oil. Who'd have thunk it?
"I've been in Australia filming Big Brother House, in which my housemates and I are confined and sealed off from the outside world, much like the chickens who are crammed inside barns for KFC," the letter reads."
I think she meant "crammed inside buns"