Month: June 2009


I realise that at times I am stubborn, obstinate even, in discussions on this blog. But I really like to argue.

So this is a bind.

There’s at least one person who has exiled themselves from commenting because I’m arrogant.

And that’s convicting.

I do really like to argue – though I have a habit of divorcing myself from the implications of the argument and just enjoying the progressive development of ideas.

I have, as a way of warning prospective commenters, introduced a disclaimer to this site. You should read it. Though it’s annoyingly written in third person…

If you’d like to suggest anything that should be added – do so in the comments… though I may disagree with you…

You should also check out the discussion I’ve been having with Dave about the ACL, government and all that stuff, for an example of an argument where I don’t really believe exactly what I’m arguing, but also disagree with some of the counter-arguments. Feel free to chime in their too…

A bunch of links – June 1, 2009

Things that go bing

Microsoft wants to kill google. Perhaps. Killing google is the in thing – unless you’re a mobile manufacturer, then it’s killing the iPhone. Anyway, Bing, Microsoft’s “google killer” is in beta. And it’s disappointing. When I bing myself I don’t appear until the second or third page. And my blog doesn’t appear to appear at all…

I wonder if bing was the shortest available combination of letters left for Microsoft to choose from.

I will survive

I’ve just discovered Surviving the World – it’s a funny photo comic, or web comic, or something. Anyway, check it out. It’s hit and miss, but mostly hit. Here’s one on Miracles