Be my friend

You can now be my “friend” here via Friend connect (unless you’re a subscriber then you’ll have to actually physically visit my blog) or see if this link works.

I only really added this friend connect thing to see if it made a difference when valuing my blog. Largely because Chris’ blog is worth over $5 million and mine’s only worth $500 and I want to figure out what made the difference. Also, it’s made by Google – so it must be good right?

The valuation thing took off after Simone posted it – and most people seem to be worth much more than me, though mine is worth slightly more than hers. It seems to be based on weird factors. I think advertising space is one of them – but I’m not going to sell out with adwords here just to boost my blog’s fictional value.


simone says:

sorry I didn’t link to you nathan. I meant to then spent so much time trying to get the link thing happening to stimulator…

my http:// address is worth $500 but my www is only worth $220.

Work that out.

Nathan says:

I was more interested in reading other people’s results than the link love. I’m slightly put out by how low our valuations are – and I want to be in the million dollar club.

The friends thing doesn’t seem to have had any effect.

simone says:

did you try mpc?

Andrew says:

My website is worth $186