The best bits – February 12, 2009

Here's what has excited me from the blogosphere today.

  • 22 English words that still exist almost entirely because of hymns and the King James Bible
  • Atheist theologians
  • Interesting little piece on how moral atheists are a step closer to Christianity than they think. Given that they ask the same questions that Christians do… salient point from the piece:brthere is a protest atheism which wrestles with God as Job did, and for the sake of the suffering of created beings which cries out to high heaven denies that there is a just God who rules the world in love. This atheism is profoundly theological, for the theodicy question — “If there is a good God, why all this evil?” — is also the fundamental question of every Christian theology which takes seriously the dying Christ’s question to God: “My God, why have you forsaken me?

  • Amish Hackers and Early Adopters
  • Interesting, but pretty long, piece on the Amish.

  • Cover-Up