Every now and then I dip into my spam folder just to get some warm fuzzies. Spammers say much nicer things than the rest of you commenters.1
“I find myself coming back to your web-site only because you have lots of awesome insights and also you happen to be at this a while, which is very impressive and tells me you know your stuff.”
“You certainly have some agreeable opinions and views. Your blog provides a fresh look at the subject.”
“nice a day St. Eutychus , i look your blog , be a nice blog and useful. Good for everyone. best review for View all posts in Sport and parenting content. i going to often to read and review your website.”
“howdy St. Eutychus , i look your blog , that a nice blog and useful. Great for everyone. a lot of Consciousness and Coffee content. i will often to read and review your website.”
“good molly St. Eutychus , i read your blog , be a nice blog and perfect. Great for everyone. useful View all posts in Consciousness and t shirts content. i going to often to read and comment your website.”
“This is a good blog message, I will keep the post in my mind. If you can add more video and pictures can be much better. Because they help much clear understanding. :) thanks Firneis.”
“Greetings, this is a genuinely absorbing web blog and I have cherished studying many of the content and posts contained on the web site, keep up the outstanding work and desire to read a good deal more stimulating articles in the future.”
“Very enlightening and beneficial to someone whose been out of the circuit for a long time.
– Lora”
So there you have it. Some people do think my blog is pretty awesome after all.2
1 Please note, this is not a passive aggressive plea for warm fuzzy comments.
2 Ok, that one might have been. You can leave them on this post.
awww…nathan needs some warm fuzzies? you made me laugh today – spammers make me laugh. and then i delete their comments.
It is hailing really hard here right now. I think the rain is coming in the mailslot in the front door. not exactly relevant; but this is a comment and i am taking liberties to be as random as possible!
Good molly, you know we cherish your blog!
Apparently the pirates like it too. It be a nice blog and perfect!
good molly, indeed!
“nice a day St. Eutychus , i look your blog , be a nice blog and useful. Good for everyone. best review for View all posts in Sport and parenting content. i going to often to read and review your website.”
– Peter
Today hello, Friend St Eutychus, this post is great, very helpfuls and resource for student. I am foeverly happy to give this blog and website in my list for favouruites and memory. You have skillz and post ridiculously frequently and are a linking king of Blog Love. I am ever after your friend and comrade to this day.
Your spamburger,
ps, please let me know your bank details when mostly convenient for you.