The many deaths of Sean Bean

Sean Bean has made an artform out of the dramatic and graphic cinematic death. This video contains 21 examples of his work. Don’t watch it if you don’t handle violent movie scenes well. Do watch it if you want to see the same expression on his face 21 times. It doesn’t matter what era, or if he’s a good guy or a bad guy, he still manages to demonstrate the same perplexed “why me” look each time around.


RodeoClown says:

You do realise it’s Sean Bean, right?
Not Sean Benn?


Nathan Campbell says:

Nope. Clearly I didn’t. But here’s a pertinent graph

RodeoClown says:

Certainly is pertinent… now I feel bad.


Nathan Campbell says:

Don’t feel bad. It’s just a truism of blogging. I’m bound to get comments if I make a mistake…

RodeoClown says:

I guess the take-away lesson is to always put a typo in the title of your magnum opus…

Lee Shelton says:

Mr. Bean certainly knows how to make an exit.

AndrewFinden says:

My computer was so inspired that it attempted to copy the actor and did a blue screen of death just before the video was finished!

I’m surprised the guy is still alive, really.. that’s a lot of fake deaths, and things can easily go wrong with some of the stunts he’s doing there.