Author: Nathan Campbell

Nathan runs St Eutychus. He loves Jesus. His wife. His daughter. His son. His other daughter. His dog. Coffee. And the Internet. He is the pastor of City South Presbyterian Church, a church in Brisbane, a graduate of Queensland Theological College (M. Div) and the Queensland University of Technology (B. Journ). He spent a significant portion of his pre-ministry-as-a-full-time-job life working in Public Relations, and now loves promoting Jesus in Brisbane and online. He can't believe how great it is that people pay him to talk and think about Jesus. If you'd like to support his writing financially you can do that by giving to his church.

If Super Mario were a First Person Shooter

It would, one thinks, be safe to assume that one of the two following situations may occur in the future (perhaps May 2012):

a) The internet will run out of novel ways to reinterpret and present Super Mario Bros.

b) I will stop being interested in videos related to the Mario Bros franchise.

Until such time as one of those becomes true… enjoy.

Kanye meets the orchestra

This is pretty cool (though not a great recording).

Apparently this original video can trigger epileptic episodes – so don’t watch it if that will happen to you. This is the song that orchestra is covering. This is a rap video, so the obligatory warnings about scantily clad ladies dancing apply.

Visual Chinese Whispers: Line by line

There are all sorts of deep and meaningful comments one could make when watching this video.

A Sequence of Lines Traced by Five Hundred Individuals from clement valla on Vimeo.

Feel free to make them below. What life lessons can we learn from humanity’s dependence on those who’ve gone before…

Pole fitness for Jesus?

Huh? My sister sent me this.


“I’m very Christian. I go to church every Sunday… I think that there’s nothing wrong with what I do… I teach women to feel good about themselves. I teach them to be empowered. God is the only person that judges. So anybody who wants to judge me feel free to do it. I’m good with God, so I really don’t care what people think…”

Well. Then. You won’t mind that I think this is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen.

My type of map

This typographic world map, available on Etsy, is quite incredible and more than a little bit clever. Rather than drawing borders the countries are created using the names of cities, landmarks, and nations.

What if Ferris Bueller was an emo? Or a drug addict?

His day off would look a little bit like this. You might also like to see Ferris Bueller recut as Fight Club. Both options make a lot of sense.

Or this…

You might notice the similarity between the music on this video and the Extra one I just posted – it’s the same song, from the incredibly dark and depressing Requiem for a Dream.

The extra good extra…

This guy is in just about everything. Look. Here’s proof.

Zero Gravity Mug

The other day I found ten pretty cool mugs and posted them on – they were cool. But this is mindblowing.

A zero-gravity mug that balances on its edge. Amazing. The design page is in Chinese. But you get the drift.

Feed the birds: wearable hummingbird feeder will get you closer to nature

So, the other day I tried to play a little game. I tried. And I failed. Because my “mystery item” had what it was written on it. And I didn’t notice. But seriously. This hummingbird feeder is just bizarre. Who sits around at home and thinks “you know what we need – we need a helmet/mask combo that will get birds to eat off our faces”…

Corridor Beatles

Hey look. This is a collection of members of a variety of Christian bands singing a Beatles song in a hotel corridor. I like it.

Via 22 Words.

Salt and Light: 10 Salt and Pepper Shakers to light up dinner at your house

Salt and Pepper Shakers are almost infinitely customisable. And they’ve been that way for years. Here are some “modern” takes on the humble salt and pepper dispensers from one of my favourite product sites… sadly these guys don’t ship to anywhere outside the US. So I’ve also tried to track down some links for Australian customers.

Turn your meal times inside out with this inverted shaker available from Perpetual Kid and Amazon.

If everything in your house functions by switch – bring that to the dinner table with the switch operated shaker – from Perpetual Kid or Amazon.

For the adventurous, or those who believe salt should be shaken – not stirred, there are these vibrating shakers.

For the tweeps (Twitter Peeps) there are these nice little birdies (Amazon)…

or these ones.

This salt man in pepper pants (Amazon) is perhaps my favourite set of all.

If I had listened closer in science I’d know how accurate the idea of salt or pepper operating as a battery is… but I didn’t. So I’m fine with these.

If efficiency of space is your thing, or you’re a regular Jekyll and Hyde – then check out these split personality shakers (Amazon).

Your grandma might like these peas in a pod (Amazon).

Finally, salt and pepper should puzzle your guests – what better way to do that than to provide Rubiks Cubes for both salt (Amazon) and pepper (Amazon) and let them figure it out for themselves.

If Mario’s story was modern and based in reality

There’s a slight language warning on this one…

Did you hear the one about the “non-Christian news anchor” who made Rob Bell look dumb

This video is doing the rounds. It’s painful viewing.

There are a couple of things I don’t like about it – one is the dichotomy that Bashir sets Bell up with. Bell can’t win with the question the way it’s framed. So it wasn’t particularly nice.

The other is that people keep calling journalist Martin Bashir a non-Christian, when he’s not. He, like me, is a reformed, evangelical, Presbyterian. A good Presbyterian no less. Who would doubtless be accepted for candidacy for holding orthodox theological views and having no characteristics that disqualify him from ministry…

This also explains why Bashir has such a grasp of Christian theology and why he sounds like he has a dog in the fight. Because he does. This Guardian Profile from 2003 is one example of Bashir’s Christianity being well known.

Feeling like…

If a good job offer came today I’d take it. Pack this ministry thing in, and become jaded and burnt out before my time.

This feeling is not helped by an incredibly fun PR consultancy role I picked up a couple of weeks ago promoting a major motorsport event in Townsville which is engaging, and exciting, and takes ten hours a month, and pays monstrously better than church work.

This is the reality of ministry though. Right? Sacrifice. 1 Peter 3 is my theme chapter for today. This is how to live, and why… and how I need to work at responding when people disagree with me, or find me disagreeable.

“8 Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 10 For,
“Whoever would love life
and see good days
must keep their tongue from evil
and their lips from deceitful speech.
11 They must turn from evil and do good;
they must seek peace and pursue it.
12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
and his ears are attentive to their prayer,
but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”

13 Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.” 15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. 17 For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. 18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. “

There are times I wish I blogged anonymously

One of my core commitments to taking part in the world of the Internet is that I’ll almost always put my name to what I write. Sometimes I don’t for the sake of humour. Be it coffee reviews or opinions. I will always own them.

Sadly, this means that in times I really, really, really, want to explode into a personal rant, I can’t. So you get vaguery. Sorry.

If I ruled the world things would be different.