I like this. But at some point infographic/flowchart jokes based on Facebook are going to get old and everything that can be said about it will be said about it. Right?
Via 22 Words.
I like this. But at some point infographic/flowchart jokes based on Facebook are going to get old and everything that can be said about it will be said about it. Right?
Via 22 Words.
This guy’s name is Matthew Matney. And he’s all grown up (now). Back when he wasn’t starring in amateur theatre in a town called Branson he was a Christian child star.
So awful. So very awful. I feel sorry for kids who grow up with this sort of dirty laundry aired on YouTube. And here I am perpetuating it. But lets all try to learn a lesson from this and:
a) Don’t post videos of your children on the Internet.
b) Don’t encourage your children to do stupid things that might get posted on the Internet.
For those struggling to get the music in church right, and looking to use more than the “traditional piano and organ”… you can play any song in the hymnal with just C, F, and G.
Steven Anderson likes to say controversial things to get attention. It works. Here’s his take on Bieber Fever.
It’s pretty much all because the NIV translators use the word “male” instead of “men”… and being effeminate is a sin. See 1 Corinthians 6:9. In the KJV because that’s Anderson’s preferred version.
” 9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”
I suspect, given the Roman cultural context of the passage, there may actually be some homosexual undertones to this word (certainly there’s reference to that in the ESV translation notes). The ESV translates it as:
” 9Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”
Here’s the Greek – which means Mr Anderson isn’t being very nice to Justin Bieber.
μαλακός,a \{mal-ak-os’}
1) soft, soft to the touch 2) metaph. in a bad sense 2a) effeminate 2a1) of a catamite 2a2) of a boy kept for homosexual relations with a man 2a3) of a male who submits his body to unnatural lewdness 2a4) of a male prostitute
Once you’ve jumped on the meterosexual hating bandwagon – here’s how to doorknock… I love the way he listens.
I’ve just become a wanted criminal in at least one country should I ever visit it. Just ask my wife…
Apparently serial farters in Malawi are going to be in big trouble. The country is cracking down on passing gas. Since the Daily Mail broke the story on January 28 the Internet has gone into a little bit of meltdown as people crack wise about the proposed law – which aims to make better and more thoughtful citizens.
“One Malawian told the website Africanews.com: ‘My goodness. What happens in a public place where a group is gathered. Do they lock up half a minibus?
‘And how about at meetings where it is difficult to pinpoint ‘culprits’?
‘Children will openly deny having passed bad air and point at an elder. Culturally, this is very embarrassing,’ she said.”
What a story. This is what responsible government looks like people.
This is the Port Hinchinbrook marina when I visited a couple of years ago with some travel writers.
This is Port Hinchinbrook today.
Image Credit: ABC News.
I am pretty thankful that I’m not confronted with the task of putting North Queensland back on the map for tourists…
Yeah. That’s right. Bacon is almost irresistible and it takes extreme will power to fight against your natural cravings.
NPR even spoke to some scientists to prove it.
Our story was familiar to Johan Lundstrom. He’s a scientist who runs a lab at the Monell Chemical Senses Center. He studies how the brain processes sensory information, like smell, for a living. He also told us he had an ex-girlfriend who became an ex-vegetarian once she tasted bacon.
Because bacon is one- to two-thirds fat and also has lots of protein, it speaks to our evolutionary quest for calories, Lundstrom says. And since 90 percent of what we taste is really odor, bacon’s aggressive smell delivers a powerful hit to our sense of how good it will taste.
“There’s an intimate connection between odor and emotion, and odor and memory,” Lundstrom says. “When you pair that with the social atmosphere of weekend breakfast and hunger, bacon is in the perfect position to take advantage of how the brain is wired.”
Looking for some bacon recipes? Try this cook book…
I’m a bit concerned for my Townsville friends (and friends scattered throughout North Queensland) as they prepare for the imminent arrival of Tropical Cyclone Yasi. My first day selling Townsville to the world was the day of Cyclone Larry – this is heaps worse. So North Queensland is going to need a lot of help post cyclone – not the least of their worries is getting tourists back into towns dependant on the tourist dollar.
But images like these are going to make that job difficult. This cyclone is massive and scary. And makes me glad that just over a year ago (1 year and 5 days) we moved south.
Image Credit: NASA
This cyclone is the same size as the US. Almost.
Praying for those I know, and those I don’t, staring down the barrel of this incredible weather system. And thinking about praying that a dislodged branch may fly from North Queensland and strike Danny Naliah down for the stupid dribble he brings out at times like this…
It is very sad that this dark chapter in Australia’s history is led by an atheist Prime Minister in Julia Gillard and an openly homosexual Greens leader who seems to be the Deputy Prime Minister by default, both who have no regard for God nor Prayer.
Catch the Fire Ministries president Dr Daniel Nalliah said Julia Gillard was not elected by the majority of the Australian people, but rather the personal decision of two power hungry independent MPs who catapulted Ms Gillard to the top job.
“Are we Aussies all paying for that decision? It is very well known that throughout history, in a time of national crisis, Kings, Prime Ministers and Presidents of countries around the world have turned to God, irrespective of whether they were Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim and asked for help or at least called the nation to pray for protection and for the victims of the disaster,” Dr Nalliah said.
“However, for the past several weeks, right through the flood crisis across Australia, I have not heard our Prime Minister call the people of Australia to pray and ask God for protection and for help for the tens of thousands of people who have become victims of this major disaster,” he said.
I’ve said it once. I’ve said it twice. The man is Christianity’s equivalent of an ambulance chaser. With the same propensity for cashing in on people’s misery in order to benefit himself.
The impetus for my Mark Driscoll Ruined Facebook post was a post from elsewhere (linked in that one) suggesting that John Piper’s incredibleness had ruined Twitter because he spawned so many imitators.
I’m hoping this tweet doesn’t get repeated too much. There are some Bible verses that just aren’t really cut out for pulling out of context and moralising:
My neighbour is an engineer. And when he had a cocktail night a couple of weeks ago he pulled out this Engineering schematic for popular cocktails (from here – where it is bigger).
That’s all well and good. But these Flickr visualisations exist for the rest of us (ie those who can’t read technical drawings).
I love mashups like this. Buzz as Batman.
I’ve applied a proper professional theme here. Let me know if you think it needs anything else…
Here’s an assessment of your personality on that basis. I have a Muse Shirt. I’ve liked them since 2002. So there. All you bandwagon jumpers and kiddies…