Possibly the best heading I’ve ever written.
Author: Nathan Campbell
Speaking of the end of the world and rapture music
Here are two probably more hideous songs than anything the Third Eagle might produce. Both are covers of The Final Countdown, which Arrested Development made one of the most annoying songs to be stuck in my head for all time.
New Third Eagle song: now with more waterfalls
Typical rapture rock.
Also. This important analysis of an Obama poem…
Call it sore losing… but I wish Origin was about the game not the tribal stuff
Cultural anthropologists would have a field day if Facebook walls were physical and people were looking at what happens in May/June in Australia each year with the benefit of 200 years of hindsight.
I love sport. I love league. And I enjoy watching Origin even when my team loses. Which for the last seven years has been a pretty regular phenomenon. I enjoy a bit of the tribal aspect of sport. I get it. But I wonder at what point the “otherising” that goes on alongside sporting success is healthy – both within the Christian community and as an indicator of our culture more broadly. I get that winning is fun. Nobody likes losing, and nobody likes when a team they have some affiliation with – by choice, or by birth, loses.
But it’s a game. A sport. A contest between 17 guys who have been chosen not as representatives of a state and all that it stands for, but as 17 guys who the selectors hope will beat the other 17 guys and provide a modicum of entertainment for the masses. To invest a game of football with inane tribal parochialism is to explain why the intellectual set get dismissive of sport.
If, as Tim Keller suggests, idolatry is what happens when we take good things and make them ultimate things, then for about 6 weeks of the year, football becomes an idol for the vast majority of Queenslanders. Now it may be true that New South Welshman are just as guilty of this – I don’t know, I can’t really remember the last time New South Wales won a series, and I certainly can’t remember when New South Wales won the last series while I lived there. But I think our culture is shifting in Australia to the point where to be an “other” in Queensland, even amongst Christian circles, is an interesting and character revealing experience. It’s also an interesting, and completely non-scientific, exercise to look at what my NSW friends have been talking about on Facebook in the last 48 hours, and what my Queensland friends have been posting.
It’s possible that this is something that should be reflected on with more distance from the event, and the experience, so that accusations of “sour grapes” and hypocrisy are less likely… but from where I’m sitting, reluctantly in the trenches as a New South Wales supporter not really savouring the prospect of a seventh year of defeat, and the parochial vicarious gloating that comes with it, from residents of a state with an in-built siege mentality based on some sort of inferiority complex, a state where an unpopular Premier is lauded for getting up during a natural disaster and rousing the proletariat’s collective spirit with the tearful catch-cry “we are Queenslanders,” as though the post code one lives in is somehow a determinant of character… what’s going on isn’t really healthy (nor is the length of this incredibly complex sentence). Somehow we’ve allowed where we live, and where we’re from, to become an acceptable idol, a point of difference, something that is acceptably the butt of jokes, where to replace the punchline with other differences would probably be in breach of vilification laws around the country.
I’m not really setting out to be a killjoy, nor am I particularly offended by these examples of humour… it’s funny though, every time I say, on Facebook, or in person, that I don’t really care about the result – people call that into question. Sure. I watch the game. I like it better if we win. But I don’t lose sleep over it, and I’m certainly not going to run around producing a bunch of meme styled photos when, as it is historically inevitable, New South Wales eventually wins a series. I talk about it. I post the occasional Facebook status as part of the fun, and sometimes to bait Queenslanders into doing exactly what I’m accusing them of here – buying into cheap tribal parochialism, just so that I can turn the table on them and exert some sort of enlightened cultural superiority in a post on my blog.
Being from New South Wales means transcending the silliness of the short man syndrome that is identifying primarily by the state that you come from.
In conclusion, while I think I can say, without a shadow of hypocrisy, that I don’t care about the game at least in the way that Queenslanders do, I do care about the reaction to the result, and about the bizarre situation where suddenly it’s ok to make jokes about an other on the basis of the success of the people you affiliate yourself with. I am wondering what they say about the human condition, and about our culture more broadly.
That is all.
Record business: these vinyl trick shots are amazing
Wow. No seriously. Wow.
Who sits around and says to themselves “you know what we should do, we should throw our records from all sorts of angles and get them to land on a record player”…
Awesome mad scientist makes Tesla Gun
I kid you not. According to the interwebs. This guy’s name is Flickenger. His life as an awesome physics defying mad scientist was nominally determined. Here’s how he did it. But seriously. Don’t try this at home. Unless you’re happy to make two.
And look. Video.
Dress sharp for the pulpit with PastorFashion.com
This website has been around for a couple of months now, and I’m still fairly sure nobody knows if it’s actually a joke or not. I mean. It’s a joke. But I’m not sure if it’s intentionally a joke, or if we’re laughing at it.
PastorFashion.com is celebrity preacher Ed Young’s gift to the world. It features fashion tips to help pastors teach the Bible while being really, really, ridiculously good looking. Or at least well dressed.
The latest post is called “Skinny Jeans and testosterone” and contains this video for your edification.
Hardcore (probably Canadian) farmer looking old guy opens beer with a chainsaw
Because sometimes the simple, non-petrol powered, ways, aren’t the best.
Apparently paramedics talk about cases, trivial cases, where they get called in, as “chainsaw-bonsai” cases. I reckon this guy could prune bonsais with this sort of precision.
Bottle Bidet: For those emergency moments when you need one?
Just $10. Money well spent.
Crucially, there are several colours.
The blurb seriously says this:
“The most important feature is the angle of the nozzle, which is designed to provide a direct flow of water to the desired wash area. The shower-head nozzle produces a gentle stream of water that is more effective than using toilet paper alone.”
Just remember to take a spare bottle of water.
David and Goliath for the YouTube generation
QTC’s preaching course got high tech this year. The people doing it had to upload a video to YouTube as part of a portfolio. My friend Brian smashed it out of the park with this little sermonette on David and Goliath. It’s laugh out loud funny in a couple of parts, but such a great example of preaching narrative in an engaging way – one of the limitations was a 6 minute time limit, and having spoken to Brian I know the ending would have been a little more fleshed out had he more time. But wow. Brian has skillz.
Community Season 3 on iTunes in Australia
Because I like to get my media legally, I’ve been waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, for Community Season 3 to come out in Australia. I searched on iTunes today. And lo and behold. There are new episodes (though some might consider the price tag a little on the expensive side).
Let me remind you why you simply must watch this show.
“Ken Lee” by Mariah Carey
Twice today I’ve had people tell me to watch this. So I did. Thanks Joe and Jenny, and Arthur and Tamie.
How to graciously hijack someone’s stage to correct bad teaching
For some reason this video feels relevant today. .
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