Is paradoxes the plural of paradox?
Author: Nathan Campbell
An update…
So, unlike all the other bloggers in Australian Christendom, or whatever sector of the blogosphere I occupy… I’m not taking any time off blogging wise over Christmas. In fact. I suspect a lack of sleep will mean I’ll be blogging more. Because blogging is what I do when I sit in front of the TV…
There are some big things on the horizon though. For Clan Campbell. Changes are afoot. We’re having a baby – any time in the next couple of weeks (or up until Christmas, if he/she really doesn’t want to come out). We’re moving house (not sure where yet). We’re changing churches (and sadly ending our time working for Andrew and Simone). But we’re off to Creek Road. Which will be different. I’m planning to hand in my last couple of pieces of college assessment for the year this week. We’re having a little holiday with family on Stradbroke Island at some stage in the next fortnight. And umm. I’ll be watching lots of cricket. Playing some Assassins Creed: Revelations. And eating banana paddle-pops. Also, my sister and her man became engaged today. So that’s also cool and newsworthy.
I blogged some coffee stuff at this week (and I’ll post this semester’s essays up there when they’re all done and dusted), and some study notes at Venn Theology. And you canorder some roasted coffee with a “Really Useful Gift” kicker through the St. Eutychus Coffee Roastery between now and Christmas…
All in all a pretty busy couple of months in the pipeline – especially if you throw in a little bit of PR consulting (you can check out too, if you want to sling some work my way/me to sling some PR work your way…).
The Internet needs more dogs…
I’ve never gone for the LOL cats thing. Cats aren’t funny. Cats are horrible soulless things with fur.
But dogs. Dogs doing funny stuff is something I can go for…
Exhibits A and B… there you go…
Shirt of the Day: Venn Animals…
It’s a platypus playing a keytar. In Venn Diagram form…
From Threadless, designed by Tenso Graphics.
The history of the English Language (in 10 minutes)
If you don’t want to read Bill Bryson’s excellent Mother Tongue… just watch this video.
Indian pain freaks: Don’t try this at home
Wow. Contains disturbing images of people eating lightbulbs and being hit with things… on purpose.
BeardQuest: One man tries to grow every beard known to man…
Movember is so passe. Mostly because, well, I am hirsutely challenged on my upper lip. A beard I can almost do… though it gets a little bit red… this guy is inspiring.
Anybody doing movember who wants to tell us all in the comments and appeal for sponsorship should do so…
Da Vinci’s Note Pad
This is cool – apparently Leonardo Da Vinci was a notepad kind of guy – and he’d jot down just about anything, and because the dude was a polymath these pages were quite sensational… here’s an English rendering of one of the pages from his random jottings.
Via npr.
Sleep in a vegetative state
So, apparently the US Congress might not have declared pizza to be a vegetable afterall – though that’s been the public perception of their move to identify pizza as a healthy lunch time snack for school children… that’s neither here nor there though. Because you’ll still totally want one of these pizza sleeping bags…
The same seller has this nifty bacon scarf which is complementary, rather than complimentary. Or whichever one isn’t free but goes well with the other…
Tumblrweed: The Pepper Spray Cop
The other day a nasty policeman followed orders, and government policy and sprayed a bunch of peacefully protesting university students, who were peacefully protesting on the campus of their university, in a peaceful protest approved by university faculty, in their peaceful little faces, with some not very peaceful pepper spray. There were cameras everywhere. The cop has since been identified. Because that’s how the Internet works these days.
This image is evoking exactly the kind of reaction you’d expect, potentially providing a new set of martyrs for the Occupy Movement – because students are the 99%.
The other way the Internet works these days is via memes – memes which add fuel to the fire. I give you the “casually pepper spray everything” meme. And the tumblr (there’s some artwork there, as in famous paintings, not just meme fodder, featuring some nudity – just a warning (and some language)).
Some meta-memes…
Tumblrweed: Magic Cards with Googly Eyes
I never got into the Magic card game… maybe if all the monsters came with standard issue googly eyes that would have changed.
That’s the purpose of this ‘ere tumblog.
Shirts that make headlines
Made in the Now is seriously cool. They turn around a T-Shirt design a day, based on current quirky news events from around the globe.
Here’s a few samples.
The other day scientists invented a new lighter than dandelion substance…
Here’s the shirt.
Here are a few more…
I like this one, which was released when Rebecca Black put our her second single (you know she’s got a third out now…)
This is the one about an Amish beard cutting rampage recently.
Each shirt is only available for 24 hours.
Sadly, they’re a little expensive (at $40 a pop).