Category: Culture

Sometimes the Internet is a sad place

Seriously. Somebody tweeted what I can only imagine was a semi-funny, semi-serious, question about the history of the Olympics. And wow.

Some of them are clearly joking. I hope. There’s an extended edition here with a little bit of a language warning.

Via someone named @Chrissymacc on Twitter.

Sheet music album where it’s at for Beck

Remember Beck?

No? Not the Ted Danson show. That was Becker. And it sucked.

Beck. This guy.

The guy John Safran “exposed” as a scientologist (he was already well and truly known as a scientologist).

Anyway. Now that the short primer on Beck is over – he’s doing something a bit cool, he’s releasing an album. As sheet music. Through McSweeney’s – and they’ll be featuring notable user generated versions of the music.

(this is a mockup.)


This is ultra low fi. It’s lower fi than a 4 track tape release. It’s also a really nice way to tap into the music culture of the internet – in a fashion similar to Gotye’s remix of covers of his own song – harnessing user generated stuff is my favourite way to use the power of web 2.0.

Gotye’s Youtube Orchestra

Gotye (aka Wally De Backer) is a clever guy. He’s put together a remix of his own song using covers other people have posted to Youtube.

High Res 3D Panorama of Mars

Incredible. Scroll your way around Mars. This is from a previous Mars Rover but was released by NASA last month. There are more panoramas like this here.

Screen Shot 2012-08-09 at 11.58.16 AM

Here’s a nice little bit of perspective for those people who are saying trips to Mars are a waste of dollars…

New Mumford and Sons

I’m excited. I preordered the new album when I bought tickets to see these guys later this year.

New Third Eagle Romney Song

I’ll admit I haven’t watched this yet. But it hit the airwaves… well, YouTube, yesterday. And I did not want you to be ignorant of these things.

The Bolt Gun


Image Credit: Sydney Morning Herald

Robyn and I watched Bolt’s semi final and “that final” this morning. It was just amazing. This truly is the pinnacle of individual sport.

The Olympics media restrictions are pretty tight, so here’s the race in Lego via the Guardian.

Curiouser and Curiouser

This Mars thing is pretty cool. We listened to the landing on the radio today, while driving through a massive tunnel that goes under the Brisbane River, and under a bunch of Brisbane suburbs. These are fun times we live in.

It’s amazing that it worked. Really.

You can follow the Curiosity Rover on Twitter.

Here’s a photo of Mars the rover tweeted an hour ago.

The Dark Lion Rises

I’m very much looking forward to checking out Batman when assessment allows it. In the meantime, there’s this.

Introducing John Daker

John Daker is available for your next church musical event.

Here is a subtitled and animated version.

“This is Now” gives an instagrammed snapshot of life in the city

This is Now pulls current instagram shots from five international cities (including Sydney). It’s pretty cool.

This is a few minutes ago in Sydney.
Sydney in the now

And in Tokyo.

Tokyo in the now

Excited train guy almost certain to be autotuned

This guy likes his trains.

Arty movie of guys throwing stuff with their weaker arm

Love this.

How churches use Social Media

It shouldn’t surprise you that I think churches should be using social media, and the ones who do use social media should be doing it better. Mostly because I think we should be going to where people are communicating and communicating the gospel to people (because I think that’s what Paul models in Acts 17 in Athens, and because I think it’s part of “always being prepared to give an account” ala Colossians 4).

It doesn’t surprise me that the churches that are using social media think that it helps them reach people, which seems to be the implication of this infographic from an American survey that was featured on Mashable yesterday.

Here are some resources for using Social Media for ministry, or thinking about Social Media.

Being a hero is a rich man’s game

While you can be a real life superhero for the cost of some kevlar body armour and some lycra, being the real deal, ala playboy superheroes (as in the type who are single and wealthy, as in Batman or Iron Man), is apparently a costly exercise. The other day io9 worked out what it would cost to be Iron Man, and pulled together these two infographics.