Category: Culture

Da Vinci’s Note Pad

This is cool – apparently Leonardo Da Vinci was a notepad kind of guy – and he’d jot down just about anything, and because the dude was a polymath these pages were quite sensational… here’s an English rendering of one of the pages from his random jottings.

Via npr.

Tumblrweed: The Pepper Spray Cop

The other day a nasty policeman followed orders, and government policy and sprayed a bunch of peacefully protesting university students, who were peacefully protesting on the campus of their university, in a peaceful protest approved by university faculty, in their peaceful little faces, with some not very peaceful pepper spray. There were cameras everywhere. The cop has since been identified. Because that’s how the Internet works these days.

This image is evoking exactly the kind of reaction you’d expect, potentially providing a new set of martyrs for the Occupy Movement – because students are the 99%.

The other way the Internet works these days is via memes – memes which add fuel to the fire. I give you the “casually pepper spray everything” meme. And the tumblr (there’s some artwork there, as in famous paintings, not just meme fodder, featuring some nudity – just a warning (and some language)).

Some meta-memes…

Tumblrweed: Magic Cards with Googly Eyes

I never got into the Magic card game… maybe if all the monsters came with standard issue googly eyes that would have changed.

That’s the purpose of this ‘ere tumblog.

Shirts that make headlines

Made in the Now is seriously cool. They turn around a T-Shirt design a day, based on current quirky news events from around the globe.

Here’s a few samples.

The other day scientists invented a new lighter than dandelion substance

Here’s the shirt.

Here are a few more…

I like this one, which was released when Rebecca Black put our her second single (you know she’s got a third out now…)

This is the one about an Amish beard cutting rampage recently.

Each shirt is only available for 24 hours.

Sadly, they’re a little expensive (at $40 a pop).

Dear Christian, you need “game”…

Doug Giles wrote the book on raising tough daughters. No. Literally.

He seems to be confusing getting “game” with shooting and mounting animals on your wall… at least that’s the visual aid in this video on being a ballsy man of God. Where he says we need “cajones” to proclaim the gospel, or our nation is screwed. And by our nation he means his nation.

At least he doesn’t equate masculinity with cage fighting.

Republican Clowns

The photoshopping in this Flickr collection is pretty amazing. The only downside is that there’s no Democrat equivalent. Bipartisan clowns would be awesome.

Michelle Bachmann.

Sarah Palin

Ron Paul

George W. Bush

Rupert Murdoch

Rick Perry

Gold. Jerry. Gold.

The 13 types of movie poster

I was skeptical about this. As sceptical as I am about the spelling of the word skeptical. But then I checked all the movies available for viewing on my Apple TV.

And its pretty much true.

My favourite type…

The whole list, with samples, is here.

I would add a 14th though, but maybe it’s just my colourblindness kicking in… I think there’s a black/white/red combo (which this French site confirms).

Also. This is obviously an over-simplification. There are many other types – it is staggering how many fit these varieties though.

Multi-take self bake cake makes me hungry


Deliberately vague prophecy: The world will end “as we know it” in 2012

Things will shift. Things will change. There’ll be elections and an economy and stuff. Truth and error will collide. Unlike last year… or the year before that… or the year that REM wrote their song…

These videos from prophetess Patrcia King seem pretty much to be an exposition (rip off?) of REM’s lyrics…

” it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane…world serves its own needs, dummy serve your own needs… a government for hire and a combat site. Left of west and coming in a hurry with the furies breathing down your neck… Uh oh, overflow, population, common food, but it’ll do…Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed dummy with the rapture and the revered and the right – right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light, feeling pretty psyched.”

Yeah. So. Things are going to change next year. I can feel it… It will certainly be a different year to this year.

Marcel, the Shell, with shoes on…

This is great. Really brightened my Greek filled day…

At least by keeping me from Greek for four minutes.

Today’s Study Music: Gomez, Whatever’s On Your Mind

Gomez is one of those bands who consistently produces good music, I don’t think there are any other bands in my itunes collection with as many albums of such consistent and cohesive quality.

I’m really enjoying their new album.

This is my absolute favourite.

But this one is good too…

They’ve put up some cool clips on YouTube.

So have other people…

This isn’t from the new album (obviously).

And neither is this…

Hip Hop Dressage

A Danish Dressage guy named Andreas Helgstrand apparently performed a dressage routine at the 2006 World Equestrian Championships that wowed the crowds (see below).

Somebody decided that routine would be better with hip-hop.

There’s a language warning in this song (I seem to be posting lots of language warnings this week).

The original, in case dressage is your thing…

A cool song from an ad… and other musical adventures

I tried to find this song (unsuccessfully) a few weeks ago. And yesterday. Success.

It seems that it was written by the Myrtle Street Connection, who are some musos who hang around at an art studio, for the purpose of the Canon ad it was used in.

The guy it “features,” Aidan Roberts, performs as the Maple Trail, and is kind of cool…

And also part of a band I had actually heard of, called Belles Will Ring, who I always thought sounded like an Australian version of the Dandy Warhols. But not really.

Appropriately Titled Study Music: Where Is My Mind (Maxence Cyrin on Piano)

A Ping Pong song…

This is just a song. This is just a song. This is just a song using ping pong (balls).

Not to be confused with the song about ping pong. Because it’s very different (and much more cleverer).

Three posts today have had ping pong, or pong, references. That has to be a record.