Category: Culture

120 “Brilliant” minds talk about Christiainity

Some famous atheists and agnostics in these first two (list of names here, and here)…

And some Christian voices for balance…

Why you shouldn’t have the “objections” question at your wedding

A pro-wrestler might turn up.

Another Improv Everywhere special – this time it’s a real wedding, and the bride and groom are part of the Improv Everywhere crew.

Handiwork: Nice video (series) of people working with their hands.

I’m keen to see this series develop, because this first piece, a look at Carpentry, is pretty cool.

Canadian Ninja Ambush

Possibly the coolest ninja themed improv everywhere type thing out there… I’d be happy to be proven wrong on that…

From Improve Toronto. So Canadians do have senses of humour after all.

Panorama: Guy takes artsy photos of fry pans

Happiness is a well used fry pan. Amongst other things. These look like planets.

They’re from a little artsy project titled “devour” by a guy named Christopher Jonassen. He included this Sartre quote on the page:

“To eat is to appropriate by destruction”. – Jean-Paul Sartre (French existentialist and writer, 1905-1980)”

The eyes have it…

How many of these cartoon eyes can you identify?

You can get a poster of this design by Yoni Alter. And there’s an interactive cheat guide here

A love song to Siri…

This is pretty cool.

I’m glad my 4S is in the mail.

The time traveller’s life: the sad truth about time travel gone wrong

This made me laugh.

Via Pete’s Tumblog.

Post-it Mario Bros

Got an office morale problem? Solve it with a little team bonding exercise involving post-it notes and a dash of 8-bit inspired enthusiasm.

Staff from a Seattle Digital Solutions company called Filter put this window homage to the original Super Mario Bros together in their spare time. It’s the entirety of level 1-1.

Apparently it’s the escalation of some sort of inter-office post-it tit-for-tat.

Angry Birds in Real Life (for angry bird watchers)

Do you have any idea how much the bird watching industry is worth world wide annually? No. Well. It’s billions. More than $36 billion in the U.S alone. Angry Bird watching is a little known subset involving smart phones, iDevices, and the internet. Merge the two and you’d be on some sort of cash cow. Or cash crow. Here’s an example of what the Angry Birds might look like in real life.

From DeviantArtist Mohamed Raoof

Stellar Service

Link blogger Jason Kottke made a bookmarking service that feels a bit like Twitter but is better than the new Facebook (which seems to just consist of people sharing semi-lame web comics and pictures that used to belong on Tumblr – has anybody else noticed this?). Kottke’s service is called Stellar. And I’m on it. And it’s great. It’s like the web being curated by people who have taste. Or something. I’ve posted a fair bit of stuff here that I’ve found there. And you can follow my stream (the stuff I share there – by favouriting elsewhere). I think it’s at a Beta stage where you request an invite still – but my invite came about 2 hours after my request. So get on board. And let me know.

Water, water, everywhere…

Wow. What a storm. We just survived the craziest ever drive from Brisbane to Dalby. It rained. It poured. The old man snored… when we left college this afternoon the gutters almost kidnapped my thongs (as in footwear). A soaked walker asked to use my phone to call for a lift. You may have had enough of water for today. I haven’t. You may also have had enough beautiful timelapse photography. I haven’t.

So there.

A celebration of Coffee Snobbery (disguised as satire)

I see through the attempt at humour and consider this video a homage to baristas who are serious about their art (slight, ever so slight, language warning).

Coffee Snobs from Frankie Shaw

Cross posted on

Some Australian social media stats… in a video

Wait 35 seconds and this gets interesting… not sure how they substantiate the claim that Australians are the most prolific social media users out there…

Via Steve

Bus-ted: Marathon runner hands back prize after sneaky shortcut

File this under “sermon illustrations” or if you don’t write sermons, under “funny stories”…

Marathon “runner” Rob Sloan was in a race on the weekend, he piked, caught the bus, and found himself ahead of the pack, so he decided to cross the finish line. He appeared to have taken third place. There was some suspicion at the time. But he flatly denied catching the spectator bus.

He lied.

“When I finished the race I was asked by the fourth person in the race: ‘Did you come third, because I don’t remember you passing us.’
“My words to him were ‘Yeah, I passed you at approximately 18 miles on the damp’, I remember because you don’t pass many people being near the front.”

The BBC has more… and another story from Digital Journey

Funny stuff.