Category: Curiosities

Umbrella capers

Tokyo Raiders is a very good bad Hong Kong Kung Fu movie. With an umbrella wielding protagonist. As featured below.

He also competently wields a vacuum cleaner in this scene…

Effective. One can only imagine he’d have been more effective with this custom made umbrella weapon. The Umbuster .

Facebank eats money, scares children

I can’t get enough of these pointless gadgets people are inventing. Here’s a new take on the piggy bank – complete with motion sensors. It will eat your money. Buy it here for $22US. Watch it in action below.

Face Bank from Dynamism on Vimeo.

Eye-fi with my little i

We're living in iTimes. I was walking through the supermarket yesterday and was surprised by the number of people who shop while attached to personal sound devices. Anyway, I digress. The reason for this post is actually the Eye-Fi – which makes it easier to share your photos with your iFriends via your photo platform of choice. It's an SD card with built in wireless and it's about $100US – I'd buy it if I could justify the expense and if it wasn't so easy to use a cable. Good trick for garage sailing (sic) though – provided your laptop comes with a 3G modem and you want your spouse to approve.

Nerd theology

Kevin Kelly is the founder of Wired Magazine. As far as nerds go, he’s pretty cool. He wrote an interesting little piece on “nerd theology

It’s worth a read if you’re a nerd, and at all interested in God.

His basic premise is this:

“We investigate the nature of intelligence, not by probing human heads, but by creating artificial intelligences. We seek truth not in what we find, but in what we can create. We have become mini-gods. And thus we seek God by creating gods.”

If you’re not a nerd – or at all interested I’d stop reading there – because this gets kind of confusing. But is also kind of interesting…

In nerd terms, god is a being function. We could write it like this:

Let g (god)=? s (initial nothing state) -> sl (something state)
Or g=? s -> sl

Now the universe we humans occupy is sl We are inhabitants of the something state produced by some god function. Christians like myself see a recursive nature in God. God (g), the creator created humans in his image, and so we too are creators. We can be designated as gl .

By means of our technology, we are becoming derivative gods ourselves. We are making our own tiny somethings out of nothing. True, our nothings are not as nothing as the nothing we came from, but we are getting better at starting from scratch, and producing more elaborative creations once we start creating. Our godhood could be described like this:

gl = ? sl -> s2

That is, we derivative gods began in a made world and created a second-order something.
Those somethings might have once been astoundingly realistic paintings, or perhaps a marble statue of a hero, or more recently a VR world crowded with fantastical creatures.

Someday, not too far away, we will create a creature (a robot) with its own mind (yes, a different mind) and its own free will that is capable of taking the next step and creating its own creation. In other words our little man will, like us, make its own little man or its own made-up world.

Potty potty putter idea

I’ve posted some stupid products lately. I don’t know why. They’re just indicative of what’s been tickling my fancy. But today I’m plumbing new depths. With this. The potty golf set. That’s right. Make Christmas special this year with this easy to assemble toilet golf putter game. It fits snuggly against the base of the loo – allowing you to putt while you do your business.

iPhone killer

This must surely be a joke. If not, the Pomegranate NS08 is the iPhone killer. It comes with an in built coffee brewer. Based loosely on the “pod” concept this phone has an in built mechanism to suck up water and push it through a pod holding section of the device. It’s also an electric razor. Their website is worryingly well made and convincing. But it’s got to be a joke right? I’m pretty sure it is. But the site is worth a look.

The in-built harmonica is the giveaway really. And the accompanying video.

All sorts of awesome

The whole Pirate v Ninja debate just doesn’t do it for me. It just doesn’t make any sense. What can a pirate possibly bring to the party? Nothing. That’s right. Ninjas are a black wrapped package of awesome. And now, you can ninjafi your fridge with these shuriken magnets. Just $19US a pair, plus postage… that’s a lot to pay for a set of magnets…

You know you’ve got too much time on your hands when… Part 2.

You have the time or inclination to build yourself a fully functioning Daft Punk helmet. Like this guy. Who also has a funky rollover thing happening in the sidebar of his site. It’s pretty cool.

My Daft Punk helmet from Casey Pugh on Vimeo.

Need an easy reference card featuring your DNA?

Of course you do. You could mount it on your wall. What if I told you it’s available in 25 different colours? How bout a couple of sizes? Still not sold…

All thanks to dna11.

If you’re curious – here’s the process:

Additional Details:

Deus Ex Machinima

I’m no gaming aficionado. I like games. I play a lot of Tetris. And I like Hitman. I just haven’t yet lost the requisite number of kilos (1 down, 9 to go) to earn my Xbox. I’ve also never played Deus Ex. But this project – to provide a high definition texture pack for the game sounds very interesting. Imagine all the old games with great gameplay but lowsy graphics that could be improved in this manner. And to make some reference to my cool title pun – imagine high definition machinima made using old games… like Deus Ex… actually, a quick google reveals Deus Ex Machinima has already been done. But using Halo. Oh well.

Kudos to this design team. Wolfenstein 3D in high res anybody? I’d play that.

Say “I love you” in style

Nothing says “I love you” like one of these. Literally. You can turn any computer generated sound waves into highly fashionable jewelery at just the click of the button . Bracelets, necklaces and earings are just the tip of the sonic iceberg. There’s also an “installation art” option where you can wall mount the sound waves and have a specially installed stereo play it at just the push of the button.  John Cage’s 4’33” would be a particularly poignant piece of art and/or the ultimate avant garde arm guard.

Of mice, and monkeys?

Engadget has compiled a list of stupid gadgets that should be avoided at all costs. There seems to be a particular focus on mice.

Like this one:

It sure is dumb. It’s a red piggy mouse. Some of them are quite cool. I would buy them. But I’m not sure why, or why they were ever invented. Like the Mouse Scale… for those people wanting to keep track of how much their hand weighs?

Luckily it comes with a cover for when your hands are feeling a little fat…

The real winner, as far as I’m concerned, is the USB powered “monkey” hand warmers.

For those looking for a little monkey magic – there’s a matching footwarmer. At $46US for the set – plus postage. A great Christmas present. Shame I live in the tropics.

If life were a musical

It would be much easier to steer the plot with this little number. A shirt with its very own in built speaker. Just $40 US. It’s a limited release – and the speaker can be removed so that you can wash it. The shirt that is. Not the speaker. Here’s a demo video… just in case you’re not convinced.

It’s a lemon

This clock is remarkably similar to a chemistry assignment I did in year 12. If only I’d gone into commercial science…

Hippy to be square

Last week I bragged about how green my gaming console use was. Greenpeace disagrees. They hate Nintendo. I can simultaneously satiate my need to be green and my intolerance of hippies by playing the 64.